The American beer market has thankfully moved further and further away from the mass-produced, beer-flavored water that would be laughed at in beer drinking nations like Germany and the Czech Republic. There has been a recent explosion in micro-breweries that combine craftsman skills with ingenuity to produce a range of new brews and flavors that have delighted beer enthusiasts throughout the country. We’ve put together a list of some of America’s most promising breweries and taverns from coast to coast:
- Goose Island Brewery – Chicago, Illinois
This brewery takes pride in producing all it’s own craft beers with around 20 available on draft each day. They produce all year round and have therefore got a constantly updated selection of seasonal brews. “Having started in Chicago, the expert brewers have done very well for themselves and now have establishments in Philadelphia and 5 international cities,” says Ella Armstrong, a food blogger at Write My X and 1 Day 2 Write. They offer tours around their Chicago locations and hold weekly and monthly beer-related events including yoga classes followed by food and beer! 2.
2. Arts and Crafts Beer Parlor – New York
This venue offers a welcome twist on the average New York City Sports bar by attempting to evoke a homely, relaxed atmosphere. The space is designed to be inviting for every beer drinker, from local residents to craft beer experts, to come in and enjoy the refined comfort. Guests could sit back and enjoy a selection of the 24 beers on tap or aim to attend monthly events like craft beer tastings and talks. ‘There’s truly something for everyone and if you’re having trouble deciding they offer taster rounds in various sizes’. – Beergal
3. Flying Saucer – Little Rock, Arkansas
This venue stands out mainly because of it’s extensive list of craft beer options. With over 75 beers on tap and another 170 different bottles, you’re likely to find the craft beer of your dreams. The craft beer on tap decisions are driven by local demand as the Flying Saucer holds blind beer tasting events and puts the beers with the most votes under the tap. This successful tavern is a favorite of beer enthusiasts is a source of Arkansas community and pride that would be a shame to miss out on for visitors to Little Rock.
4. Willimantic Brewing Company – Willimantic, Connecticut
With an excellent range of craft beer and a unique venue, everyone should try this themed Connecticut brewery. Visitors and locals alike are welcomed into the old US Postal Office that was built in 1909 and now houses the Willimantic Brewing Company, which is comprised of dining room, pub and lobby. “Despite renovations, they retain the early 20th century architecture and atmosphere with post office memorabilia decorating the walls. They produce a great range of unique beers which can be enjoyed with a superb food menu,” says Holly Bill, a writer at BritStudent and Next Coursework.
5. Jessop’s Tavern – New Castle, Delaware
The place to visit for a taste of culture and commitment to a theme, Jessop’s Tavern makes use of a building from 1974 and provides the total Colonial experience. Waiters are dressed in costume and the menu is decked out with colonial twists on classic pub grub. They have a decent range of local craft beers as well as many gorgeous Belgian beers.
6. Steam Plant Brewing Company – Spokane, Washington
The visionary owners of Steam Plant Brewing company took the remains of a drab industrial steam plant that operated from 1916 to 1986 and converted it into a brewery complete with restaurant seating made out of the original boilers. They offer an excellent craft beer selection including barrel-aged limited releases and seasonal pints.
7. Magic Hat Brewery – Burlington, Vermont
Vermont holds the title of the state with the most craft-breweries per capita and this enchanting venue is probably Vermont’s most famous brewery. The creators stay true to their Vermont roots and work to collaborate with local artists and environmental projects. They offer free tours and samples for those interested in their long and inspiring history or who want to become familiar with their list of original products that includes IPAs, stouts, lagers and ales. ‘They are pretty experimental with their beers so there is always something for everyone.’- backtoschoolbrewing

The creation and appreciation of craft beers within the USA is expected to continue growing. New specialized bars and breweries are opening up all the time and as beer drinkers, it’s our responsibility to try them all!
Special thanks to Beatrice Beard for this Great Beer Now guest post! Beatrice is a professional copywriter specializing in a range of exciting topics. She writes for Coursework Help and Academicbrits.com and is always open to passing on her years of wisdom to beginner writers at Phdkingdom.com.
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