Healthcare is expensive and employees in most industries rightfully worry about the high cost of hospitalization and even routine doctor’s visits. The Connecticut Brewers Guild, like any other industry- related organization, is concerned about health insurance costs for its members’ employees but the recent passage of a bill in the Connecticut General Assembly could make costs more affordable.
This healthcare legislation was introduced recently and looks like it could easily become law. Lawmakers in the state’s Insurance and Real Estate Committee just voted 16 to 3 in favor of the bill, which allows the Guild to seek affordable health insurance for its members. Executive director Phil Pappas sees this as a major step in the right direction for breweries.
“This bill will help job-creating craft breweries statewide, especially those that are small and mid-sized,” said Pappas. “If this legislation is passed by the General Assembly and signed into law, breweries and their employees will be able to gain access to affordable health care regardless of their size.”
Most U.S. states have a brewer’s guild and many people might be surprised to learn that the Connecticut Brewer’s Guild is less than seven years old. It was founded in 2012, to be precise, with the same goals common to most organizations of this type: Promote independent breweries, improve profitability, remove obstacles to growth, etc. Statewide, breweries in Connecticut employ almost 5,000 people with an economic impact of about $746 million annually. The craft beer industry is relatively small, but it is growing, making the work of the Connecticut Brewer’s Guild more and more important with each passing day.
Connecticut representative Christopher Rosario (D- Bridgeport) says clearing this first hurdle is critical in the passage of a bill so important to brewery employees and their families.
“Running a small business offers its own unique headaches,” said Rosario. “That’s what makes this legislation so important. Offering affordable health care plans to small and mid-sized businesses, especially in this growing industry, is a big win for our state.”
Next in the legislative process for this bill, H.B. 7260, is a full vote by the Connecticut House of Representatives. If the bill can pass both legislative chambers, it will be sent to governor Ned Lamont for approval. Quality, affordable healthcare is vital to everyone so if you happen to live in Connecticut, be sure to contact your state legislature members and urge them to pass this important bill.
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