Blogging has skyrocketed in popularity. What began as a few people setting up their own “web site” has blossomed into a worldwide phenomenon. Individuals and groups of people from all walks of life have turned to the internet as a place for self- expression, education, and more as they share information about what they know and love best in their own blog.
With so many bloggers and so much quality content, it makes sense to recognize those who inspire us the most, either through creativity, inspiration, entertainment, or any host of other reasons. The Sunshine Blogger Award is intended for exactly that purpose: To award bloggers who are extraordinary at what they do and who inspire us to be our best.
Great Beer Now has been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award previously, so this is not my first go- round. Still, it is always great to get recognized for your blog and I am honored as always. The rules for the Sunshine Blogger Award are simple enough. Each blogger who was nominated has to answer 11 specific questions given to him/her by the person who nominated them. Nominees then have to nominate another 11 bloggers for the award and ask that they answer a different set of questions- a set of questions that the nominee makes up and adds to the blog post.
I was nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by Brenda West who operates the blog My Angels Voice. She included the following list of specific questions to answer. Here we go:
- What is your writing inspiration?
I am inspired by people- focused events and large scale entertainment as they relate to the beer and brewing industry. It could be the creative contributions of a specific individual who helped find new, unique ways to brew. It could be an individual who has helped his/her brewery reach new levels of success in business and in the local community. It could also be a major beer competition or festival. Anything that brings people together and celebrates the success of those in the beer industry is inspiring to me. And beer, as we know, has the ability to bring us together like few other things can do.
- Are you a sports fan? If so what sport & team?
Ye I’m a fan, but I am not a sports fanatic. I follow all of the Houston professional teams- Texans, Astros, Dynamo, and Rockets. I’m also a college sports fan and I love college hoops the most. The University of Dayton Flyers rank at the top of my list. This is where I got my undergrad degree in Business Finance, and I am a proud member of the Flyer Faithful.
- If you had one wish, what would it be?
Wow- that is s a tough question to answer! My first thought was a world where beer taps flowed on every street corner, but seriously….let’s see…Possibly the wish that I would most like to see fulfilled is to live in a world where everyone had all of their basic needs covered; a world where there was no issue with hunger, housing was easily affordable, and there was at least some hope for a better tomorrow. The interesting thing about this wish is that it isn’t as far- fetched as many people think. Most agree that this is a good idea, what we can’t seem to agree on is how to make it happen.
- Are you a full-time writer/blogger?
No, Great Beer Now is a part time venture. Many are often surprised when they learn that my blog is only a side gig. They assume that, based on the number of blog posts I do, the social media presence of my blog, the beer travel, etc. that I must be doing this full time. But my full time job is actually in accounting/finance.
- What is your favorite music?
My favorite type of music is alternative/Indie rock, followed closely by classic rock and blues. That means you may find me listening to Guided by Voices one minute, the Rolling Stones the next.
- If you could travel in a time machine where would you go?
I would love to travel back in time to ancient Greece and engage in philosophical conversation with the greatest minds of the time. Possessing my current worldly knowledge, it would be cool to talk with these individuals and see how they would react to things that I know (but they do not know) have transpired in the past few centuries/millennia. Would they believe, or find things implausible? This could serve as a true test of how intelligent they really are.
- Have you ever traveled out of the country? If so, where?
I have traveled to Europe, South America, Central America, and many of the Caribbean islands. But I have only scratched the surface, as they are so many more places to visit! I need to get going, and soon.
- Would you ever bungee-jump!?
Bungee jumping isn’t on my radar, no. I can think of better ways to get an adrenaline rush. Add some type of award to it and sure, perhaps I might decide it was worth it. But strictly for the thrill? I think not.
- Cats or Dogs?
I’m a dog person all the way. I have had a cat in the past and find them okay, but I prefer dogs. The dog I have right now is 5th one I have had during my lifetime. Dogs add so much to life and make every day better.
- Name your favorite dessert.
My favorite dessert? Well, let’s see. If I base the answer to this question on the dessert I eat most frequently, the answer is ice cream. In my household, ice cream is part of our diet and it is a regular item on the weekly grocery list. But if I had to name the dessert I love best, it would be pecan pie. Served with a nut brown ale, porter, or stout, it’s even more heavenly.
- What is your favorite song and why?
I have too many favorites to narrow down to only one favorite song. It’s the same with beer- far too many great beers to name only one as the overall best. So, why don’t I instead list several songs that I frequently play in my car or on YouTube, which proves they must rank among my favorites:
- Honky Tonk Women, the Rolling Stones
- Got You Where I Want You, the Flys
- Jessica, Allman Brothers Band
- I Am a Scientist, Guided by Voices
- My Maria, BW Stevenson
- Bohemian Rhapsody, Queen
- Renegades of Funk, Rage Against the Machine
- We’re an American Band, Grand Funk Railroad.
- Once in a Lifetime, Talking Heads
- Musta Got Lost, J. Geils Band
Next up, here are my Sunshine Blogger Award nominees:
- Markymarcsworld (@nimrod1979 on Twitter)
- Mshealthesteem (@mshealthesteem on Twitter)
- A Finn on the Loose (@afinnontheloose on Twitter)
- Caroline’s Cooking (@carolinescookng on Twitter)
- Hank on Food (@hankonfood on Twitter)
- My Brown Newfies (@MyBrownNewfies on Twitter)
- Dana Berez (@danaberez on Twitter)
- Coffee with a Splash of Gratitude (@AngAnzalone on Twitter)
- Free Thyme Living (@thyme_free on Twitter)
- Footprints in Pixie Dust (@footprintsinpd on Twitter)
- Simple and Savory (@simpleandsavory on Twitter)
And here are 11 questions I am asking my nominees to answer:
- How did you first become interesting in blogging?
- Among the places you have lived, which is your favorite?
- If you branched out into a completely different area of blogging, what subject would be your new blog’s focus?
- What television series from the past do you find yourself still watching from time to time?
- What beer style is your favorite (sorry- had to ask)?
- If you could travel to only one place each year for vacation, where would that place be?
- Which chain restaurant do you most often frequent?
- What non- profit organization is near and dear to your heart?
- What famous person from history would you most like to meet and why?
- Besides blogging, what activities do you like to do in your spare time?
- What do you want to be remembered for after you depart this world?
Again, a special thanks to Brenda West at My Angels Voice for the Sunshine Blogger Award nomination! And be sure to visit her blog and the blogs above for advice and inspiration on everything from food to travel to lifestyle and more.
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