Avaline is a brand of organic, vegan, and natural wine produced by Cameron Diaz and her entrepreneur friend Katherine Power. Even though Avaline has only been released recently, it’s already being touted as the world’s most authentically organic wine experience. However, Avaline is more than just an ordinary wine — it’s an experience, a lifestyle, a revolution.
Avaline is a Lifestyle
Cameron Diaz leads a healthy and natural lifestyle. She’s incredibly conscious about what she puts into her body, only eating and drinking organic, natural, and vegan foods and beverages. She’s always loved drinking wine with her friends — wine has been her drink of choice because it’s considered by many as the healthiest and most natural liquor since it’s supposed to be nothing but fermented grapes.
However, Cameron Diaz recently realized that most mainstream wines are far from organic, vegan, or natural. Most wines contain over 95 additives, including artificial flavors, preservatives, sulfites, pesticides, and other components. They’re also filtered through fish linings and egg whites, making them far from vegan. Cameron Diaz was naturally shocked when she realized what she’d been unwittingly putting into her body.
And that rude awakening was when the idea for Avaline was conceived. Cameron Diaz and Katherine Power toured some of the most reputable organic vineyards across Europe to learn about the wine-making process. Cameron Diaz’s passion for organic wines and Katherine Power’s business know-how came together to launch Avaline, an organic wine brand that’s truly, authentically organic.
Avaline isn’t just a wine brand. It’s a culmination of female creative endeavors, industry, and passion. Avaline is an organic, vegan, healthy, and honest lifestyle.
Avaline is a Revolution
You might think Avaline is doing nothing new because “organic wines” are available everywhere. That’s technically true, but not really.
Sure, most wine brands advertise themselves as “organic,” but that’s only because the word “organic” carried little to no actual legal definition. The words “natural” and “vegan” carry even less legally-binding definitions. Basically, the wine industry is so unregulated that wine manufacturers can essentially package a vat of acid and chemicals as “organic wine” with little consequences.
“Organic” wines must meet only one major criterion — they should be free from sulfites, a component used to increase shelf life and kill bacteria. However, even without sulfites, wines contain close to 100 other additives and preservatives. Sure, some organic wines are true to their word, but most wine manufacturers don’t truly live up to the words “organic” or “natural.”
And that’s why Avaline isn’t just a wine, but a revolution.
Cameron Diaz has essentially thrown a molotov cocktail into the wine industry, stirring up a revolution with her fruity Avaline Wine. By adhering to strict standards and living up to the “organic” claim, Diaz’s wine is revolutionizing the wine industry. Furthermore, each bottle of Avaline Wine bears a clear label listing all the ingredients used throughout the manufacturing process.
This kind of transparency is nothing short of groundbreaking in the wine industry. And we applaud Cameron Diaz for her honesty and transparency.
Avaline isn’t just a wine — it’s a lifestyle, an experience, and a revolution.
Avaline… is you.
Prior to reading this post, I had never heard of the Avaline brand. The idea of a true organically produced wine would have great appeal to many, especially these days when we are all very aware of the ill-effects of preservatives and additives. Love what these ladies have done in partnership to produce something that the market needs. More power to them and I hope it does really well.
I absolutely love my wine but as I grow older, the sulphites are wrecking havoc on my skin! So I’ve had to stop drinking and sure enough, it cleared up. But I miss my wine but Avaline sounds like I can try again! How amazing does this sound?? Definitely going to try and get a bottle soon.
Yes, this is one of the few wines that is sulfide free! A big plus for consumers
I love wine. I haven’t heard about this brand before. It’s so cool that Cameron Diaz owns it. She’s one of my fave actresses!
Yes, she was inspired by the drive to produce a wine that was as pure as possible. It looks like she succeeded with this product!
I’ve never heard of Avaline before. I love finding new wines, though, and it sounds like this is a really good one. I’ll have to give it a try.
I had no idea that Cameron Diaz made a wine. I’ll have to give this a try. I’m always on the lookout for really good wine brands. Thanks!
I love wine and I ‘m also a true freak when it comes to the foods I put in my body.
Ever since I learned that “organic” wine is not organic at all, it put me off my favorite drink.
So thanks for this Avaline wine review. I might order a few bottles very soon.
Who would have though Cameron Diaz would release a wine? I’d love to try it – it must be deliciously sweet.
Oh, yes! I’m vegan and excited to learn about another good vegan wine.
This was such an informative article! I love wine, and sometimes make my own with my mom. I had no idea commercial companies added so many hidden preservatives to their wine! I need to give this brand a try since it’s more natural.
Wah never heard of the Avaline before today! Organically produced wine sounds amazing, i might give it a go:)
That’s sound really interesting never heard about it.Thanks for sharing with us.
This is my first time to learn about this. I am amazed how Cameron Diaz transpired to do it. Now I learn something new while reading this. I need to check in the area if this is available too. Definitely a must try!