How much beer is consumed in the United States? According to official statistics, we Americans consumed over 7.9 billion gallons of malt beverages in 2017. That’s an impressive number and it translates into approximately 24 gallons of beer per person, per year.
Beer consumption, much like other consumer products, is not evenly distributed among all people or even among all adults. Some states consume far more beer per person than others and the states that rank high on the list might shock you.
This infographic from Craftbeerclub.com shows the breakdown in gallons per capita by state. At the top of the list is New Hampshire, followed closely by Montana and North Dakota. Like the information on the infographic states, part of the reason New Hampshire ranks so highly is because people from neighboring states often cross the state line to buy beer due to the lower prices. With Montana and North Dakota, it appears to be sheer love of brew that keeps the kegs tapped and the bottles and cans pouring.
Whatever the reason, the rise in popularity of craft beer has most definitely contributed to the gallons of beer consumed per capita. Take a good look at the numbers by state. Do you find any of them particularly surprising?
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