Craft beer is a most wondrous experience. With so many flavors, styles, ingredients, and processes, there is no limit to where a brewer’s creative energies many ultimately take them. But with so much latitude in beer making, it also means that flavors, body, clarity, etc can range widely and some consumers may have difficulty describing that they drink. If you want to learn more about tasting etiquette and learn how to describe beer like a pro, consider the Beer Lover’s Flight Night: The Ultimate Beer Tasting Experience, a full kit designed to help you evaluate the beer you love.
Disclosure: This post may have been compensated in the form of goods or services, but the opinions expressed are exclusively those of Great Beer Now.
All of The Essentials
Beer Lover’s Flight Nite contains all of the essential ingredients needed to host your own beer tasting. The kit contains two wooden serving paddles, 8 small tasting glasses, a rating guide, a booklet, and a large number of ready- to- use beer rating sheets. Just select a set of beers, fill the tasting glasses, and you’re ready to start tasting like a professional.
With the tasting sheets, beer drinkers are stepped through the evaluation process. Beginning with the beer’s initial appearance you make note of the color, clarity, and nose. Then, you take a sip and record the levels of sweetness, maltiness, acidity, and bitterness before assigning a bottom- line rating. The booklet helps with some educational background on beer styles, food pairings, and more. And the included quick reference guide sheet defines common beer tasting vocabulary, with specific adjectives for the beer’s body and flavors present.
I’ve been drinking and reviewing beer for more than two decades and I like what Beer Lover’s Flight Nite offers. I like the inclusion of paddles because they add a feeling of authenticity, since many bars and breweries offer samples in exactly the same manner. I also like the tasting sheets because you can record your thoughts, assign a final rating, and improve your beer evaluation prowess. To better hone your skill, I recommend pouring you and a fellow beer lover four samples of the same beer. Each can then record his/her own tasting notes privately, and then the two can make comparisons. This works well as a learning tool because the two people can discuss their similarities and differences, discover flavors they might have missed, and improve their own beer tasting abilities.
Finding the right adjectives to describe a specific beer can sometime present a challenge. This is why I like that the kit has its own quick reference sheet. Even though I have sampled thousands of different beers, I sometimes still find myself stumped when trying to search for the right descriptor. Often, all I need is a list of tasting adjectives and the right one will hit me. With the reference sheet, you can do exactly that.
Get Tasting
Beer Lover’s Flight Night: The Ultimate Beer Tasting Experience is a useful kit for beer evaluation and discovery. There are so many different flavors present in today’s craft beer that many people like to take notes, discuss what they taste, and keep different beers filed away for future tasting reference. Today’s beer landscape is a far cry from the homogeneous days of old, when there was no craft beer and most beers tasted similar and could be described in five words or less. Beer is far more complex today, and finding the right way to describe beer takes skill and practice.
I have tasted more beer than most people and I like to talk about beer flavors and ratings in various forums. Those of you who follow Great Beer Now on Instagram know that I often write short reviews for each beer picture I post. I also maintain a beer log in Untappd where each and every beer is rated. I no longer need any tasting aids, but Beer Lover’s Flight Night: The Ultimate Beer Tasting Experience is a good idea for those who want to improve their beer evaluation abilities. It’s a fun idea for your next gathering and a great idea for those who like to put their ideas to paper and compare findings with others. The kit has everything you need- except the beer- to make your next beer tasting the best one it can be and I recommend it for your beer evaluation needs.
Looks like an awesome product. Tasting sheets are a must- they really help jog your memory and create an encyclopedia of terminology. I used to run spirit tasting groups with fellow bartenders. It’s a fun learning experience for sure.
Beer Lover’s Flight Night looks really cool. I can see this being popular with a gathering of friends…hey, why not a Super Bowl party?
I’m going to need them to add that chocolate beer that you referenced in another post though. I still haven’t forgotten about that one.