Do you have your mind set on a specific craft beer brand but know the brewery has only a limited distribution area that does not include yours? If so, then you may want to consider shopping for beer online using a cool web service known as Beer Jobber. This service came about in response to the growing craft beer industry and the desire to connect the consumer to a brewery with products that may not be readily available.
How Does Beer Jobber Work?:
With Beer Jobber, the customer establishes an account, then logs on and searches for beer from the specific breweries offered. Selections are somewhat limited, but participating breweries continue to grow in number. Here is a short list of some of the breweries whose products are offered through
· Appalachian Brewing
· Carolina Brewing
· Devils’ Backbone Brewing
· French Broad Brewing
· Marble Brewing
· Port City Brewing
· Rio Grande Brewing
· Twisted Pine Brewing
· Voodoo Brewing
Which U.S. Residents Can Participate?:
At present, there are 34 U.S. states plus the District of Columbia that Beer Jobber can ship to, based on current laws and other restrictions. The states to which Beer Jobber CANNOT ship are: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Hawaii, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah, and Wisconsin.
How is the Pricing?:
Due to the cost of shipping and other reasons, the bottom line price for beer at Beer Jobber is going to be a little higher than some may will be willing to pay. The beer is generally shipped in 12 pack units of 22 oz. bomber bottles (with exceptions- some breweries offer only 12 oz. bottles) and the typical base price range is $50 to $70. However, there will also be added shipping in the neighborhood of $20, bringing the total cost per 12 pack to about $70 to $90. This is more than one would pay at a local store, yes. But when you break down the price per bomber bottle, it works out to about $5.84 to $7.50. Placed in per- bottle terms, it doesn’t seem so bad and it isn’t much more than the cost of buying individual bomber bottles at the store.
Bottom Line:
Beer Jobber is, without question, an intriguing service for craft beer lovers that will continue to grow as the craft beer industry itself continues to grow. The brewery list has already increased significantly from the last time I checked (there were about 30 participating breweries back in February, 2012; now there are 52) and members can suggest breweries they would like have added.
Those who enjoy sampling new beer will find Beer Jobber a godsend, but one potential problem I have encountered is the possibility that the beer purchased may not measure up to one’s individual standards or palate. No one wants to purchase a full 12 pack of bomber bottles only to discover that the beer isn’t up to par. A good alternative is to purchase a mixed 12- pack, when available. I have noticed that some participating breweries do, indeed, have an option to purchase a mixer of bomber bottles for the same price. This is great for those who want to sample as many different beers as possible and do not want to get stuck with a product that doesn’t meet his/her individual tastes. It would be nice if all of the breweries offered this, but they do not. Customers will need to browse the site to find those breweries that offer this choice.
Craft beer lovers like to sample new products and Beer Jobber offers a means to connect the beer connoisseur with some of the countless craft brewing operations sprouting up in cities across the land. The prices are a little steep, but they are not half bad when all factors are considered. It is certainly cheaper than booking a special trip to a specific part of the country for beer- buying purposes and it adds some online shopping fun to your beer drinking adventures.
Go to Beer Jobber, set up an account, and start browsing for some delicious American craft beer, right from the comforts of home. It’s a great way to find new products and expand your craft beer horizons.
Article originally posted at
Thanks for the Beerjobber write up. Check back soon as we are starting the testing of our half case option, so you will be able to order 6-22oz bottles instead of 12! And as always, we’ll continue to add breweries. Love the suggestions, keep them coming!