Pokemon Go has taken the nation by storm. Everywhere you look, you find people pulling their cars into empty parking lots, walking into parks, and otherwise venturing into places they wouldn’t normally visit just to capture virtual creatures. The game’s immense popularity has spawned new mobile phone apps that vie to help you “capture” something of value. And now, the American Homebrewers Association (AHA) has entered the fray, releasing Brew Guru™ , dubbed as the Pokémon GO for catching great beer deals.
Brew Guru is a free app for mobile phones and it is designed to help consumers seek out and capture everything from brewing knowledge to great deals on beer to facts about nearby breweries and homebrew supply shops. American Homebrewer’s Association director Gary Glass says the idea is to help beer lovers find the beer they love with less stress and for the best possible price.
“With Brew Guru, we’re helping beer lovers and amateur brewers do beer better. Users’ palates and wallets will benefit greatly from the app,” said Glass. “Brew Guru allows you to get more beer while spending less money, wherever you’re located. What’s better than that?”
Brew Guru’s menu options include:
Locator: This part of Brew Guru helps users track down a nearby brewery, beer bar, pub, or brewery supply store. It will even help link you up to participating retailers offering special AHA Member Deals.
Dashboard: With the Dashboard, users can stay up to date on the latest news and information from the American Homebrewers Association plus discover any nearby deals from participating AHA breweries, pubs and homebrew supply shops.
Collections: Want to enhance your beer knowledge and/or improve your next homebrew effort? Collections is the place to be for beer education, recipes and resources from Zymurgy magazine, etc.
My Account: If you’re the type who likes knowing exactly how much you have benefited from the app, My Account will keep you in the know. This is also the place where you can view your digital membership card, renew membership, and manage your Brew Guru settings.

Brew Guru is available free of charge in the App Store and Google Play . There is no need to join the American Homebrewers Association to use the app, but if you’re curious, Brew Guru will offer you a free, no-obligation 15-day trial to sample the benefits of membership. If you like what you see, you can join AHA directly through the app or by visiting AHA online at HomebrewersAssociation.org. Not only will you reap the benefits of AHA membership locally, you can also take advantage of advance Great American Beer Festival ticket sales each year and other valuable benefits.
Pokemon Go is a worldwide phenomenon and it’s not surprising that the success of this reality game and its “find and capture” concept has influenced the creation of new mobile phone applications. Brew Guru, like Pokemon Go, wants to help you seek and find, but it’s focus is on something much greater than creating Avatars and engaging in king of the hill matches. Brew Guru is all about finding great beer with the least amount of effort and for the lowest price and considering it’s free, you really have nothing to lose so download it now, before I flick you with my last remaining Poke Ball.
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