What do you do when you need an extremely large sum of money that you know is unattainable through normal financial means? In the past, you would wallow in self- pity and wish you had wealthy family members to come to your aid. Today, however, there is a potential means to what seems like an impossible end and that means is crowdfunding. And America’s Brewers Association, the not-for-profit organization that represents America’s small and independent brewers, is trying to use crowdfunding for an important and nearly impossible cause, launching the TakeCraftBack.com campaign in an effort to crowdsource approximately $213 billion to purchase Anheuser-Busch InBev.
As many craft beer lovers know all too well, Anheuser- Busch and other large brewers have been swallowing up craft breweries from coast to coast. Many once beloved breweries have fallen victim to A-B InBev and its buyout practices and craft beer fans are often left feeling betrayed. The Take Craft Back campaign is hoping to bring this all to an end by purchasing industry behemoth Anheuser- Busch InBev, removing its board of directors, and forever changing its position on the craft beer industry.
Take Craft Back has recruited an individual named Andy as its official spokesperson and leader of the crowdsourcing campaign. Andy feels that Anheuser- Busch InBev needs to stop deceiving the people, stick with mass- produced corporate beer, and otherwise mind its own business.
“Since 2011, Anheuser-Busch InBev has quietly acquired 10 small and independent breweries, but they won’t tell you that on their packaging,” said Andy. “Just try to name all 10 without Googling…exactly. Big Beer creates an ‘illusion of choice,’ but we are presenting them with a reality check—and hopefully, at the end of the day, with a real check too.
Andy went on to say that independent craft breweries are joining together in a show of brute force, making it clear that they will not be bullied by the big guys.
“Independent craft brewers refuse to be muscled out by Big Beer,” Andy continued, “And we are uniting on an unprecedented scale to take on Big Beer and their efforts to make it harder for beer drinkers to find their favorite independent craft beers at their favorite bars, liquor stores and restaurants.”
Take Craft Back aims to collect $213 billion to purchase Anheuser- Busch InBev outright. Like any crowdsourcing campaign, nothing will be collected unless/until the $213 billion goal is reached. At last check, the campaign has raised around $2 million in approximately 24 hours! That leaves only $212, 998,000,000 to go. At this pace, the Take Craft Back campaign will realize its goal in about 292 years.
Are you ready to do your part? If so, go to TakeCraftBack.com and make a pledge. This may be the only chance we have to stop Big Brew in its tracks so go online and make your financial commitment today!
To keep up with Take Craft Back and spread the word, be sure to use hashtags #TakeCraftBack and #IndependentBeer
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