Heineken, the third largest brewing operation in the world and the largest in Europe, just announced a very successful first quarter of 2012. According to official sources, Heineken’s first quarter revenue increased to 3.83 billion Euros, an increase of 6.8 percent. Likewise, … [Read more...]
Mississippi Overturns Archaic Beer Law
It looks like the state of Mississippi is slowly catching up with the rest of the modern world. Mississippi, a state often ridiculed as the epitome of backwardness in both the social and political realms, has finally overturned its archaic beer laws. Just a couple of days … [Read more...]
Sierra Nevada Lip Balm: Pucker Up With Some Cascade Hops
Sierra Nevada, craft brewer extraordinaire and maker of some very popular beers that span the spectrum, has announced a new product; one that contains plenty if hop oils but is completely free from malt and yeast. The product is Sierra Nevada Lip Balm and it joins mustard, tap … [Read more...]
Budweiser to Sponsor a new Reality Television Program
Beer and sports are natural accompaniments. It is widely known that beer companies rely on sports to help encourage beer sales and attendees at sporting events and viewers of sports on television do not need to look far to see and hear the names of specific brands of … [Read more...]
Hold on to Your Sliders, Folks: White Castle may Offer Beer at its Restaurants
White Castle fast food restaurants is testing something new. Not a new sandwich or a new method of deep frying, but rather some beverage selections not usually sold in fast food restaurants: Beer and wine. No, that six pack of imperial stout you just finished … [Read more...]