First written in 1984, Papazian's New Complete Joy of Homebrewing is a great book to guide you through the basics of making homemade beer and many budding homebreweries turn to this book to get their early education on making beer at home. This book is not only a reference guide, … [Read more...]
Who is Your Beer Advocate: This Magazine is!
Beer Advocate is unique in many ways. It is a one of a kind beer magazine. It is "green" made from paper that can be recycled. It is not available anywhere other than the Beer Advocate site. Find out what's so special about Beer Advocate magazine. … [Read more...]
The “Ultimate” Beer Book
Beer is one of life's ultimate joys and many books celebrate and promote the greatness of malted beverages, often in an educational and informative way. Beer stimulates all of the senses and one of the most effective ways to promote beer in written form is through the use of … [Read more...]
Want to Know All About Beer? The Magazine?
All About Beer is one of the best- known beer publications in the United States. It is a well- rounded magazine that manages to cover many topics important to both beer lovers and brewers in a relatively short amount of space. Each issue is only 82 pages in length so there isn't … [Read more...]