Celis White is medium in body and it ranks as a great- tasting witbier for most any occasion. It won a Gold Medal at the Great American Beer Festival in 2003 and the Michigan Brewing Company did the brewing world a great service when it revived this brand several years ago. It ranks among my favorite American versions of the Belgian style.
Beer Bio:
Style: Belgian Witbier
Alcohol Level: 3.9 Percent by Volume
Calories: Unknown
Carbs: Unknown
Ask some of the world’s foremost beer authorities which nation they feel makes the best beer in the world and many of them will say the European nation of Belgium. This isn’t surprising, since beer brewed in Belgium often receives high acclaim and many have been judged among the finest malt beverages in the world. Because of their level of quality, many breweries in the United States have attempted to imitate them, with varying degrees of success. One Belgian brew that seems to have it right is Celis White, an Austin, Texas creation now brewed in the state of Michigan.
Looking more closely at this beer, Celis White pours to a yellowish/golden color with a nose that offers aromas of citrus, coriander, and wheat malt. The foam level on this beer looks okay at first, but it falls apart quickly, making for a less attractive appearance. But in the taste category, Celis White trumps most other American- made Belgian brews. Wheat malt, coriander, orange, orange peel, pale barley malt, and light spice/herbs combine to make this a memorable beer that is sweet overall. The product is brewed using winter and two- row barley malt, willamette and EKG hops, and curacao orange peel and coriander for seasoning, so it tastes pretty much the way one would expect.
While Celis White is certainly a tasty example of the Belgian witbier style, fans of this beer may be surprised to learn that this product was almost put to rest on a permanent basis back in 2001 when the brewery closed its doors. However, Celis White and the rest of the Celis line was revived by Michigan Brewing Company and its products now continue to be brewed and enjoyed by people all over the United States.
Belgian style beer is a little more challenging to brew and brewers who don’t know the craft should avoid making this product. I have tasted many different Belgian brews made in America that completely miss the mark. Celis White, however, is one product that gets the Belgian style right. It offers authentic Belgian taste and it can compete with many of the products brewed in Belgium for export to the United States.
Celis White is medium in body and it ranks as a great- tasting witbier for most any occasion. It won a Gold Medal at the Great American Beer Festival in 2003 and the Michigan Brewing Company did the brewing world a great service when it revived this brand several years ago. It ranks among my favorite American versions of the Belgian style.
Rating: 9 Cheers out of 10
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