American exports are usually of the high- tech variety, but one “export” is purely agricultural in nature and the direct result of an industry boom in the USA that has now caught on overseas.
Craft beer is huge in the United States and the enthusiasm for better beer has apparently spilled over to the United Kingdom. According to an August 9, 2015 article published by the Evening Standard, Britain’s beer industry is presently in overdrive, with a new brewery opening every two days. Official U.K. government figures show that craft beer is having a positive impact on the economy too, with breweries and pubs now responsible for 869,000 jobs.
Great Britain has often been a hotbed for great beer and most American craft beer lovers still get occasional cravings for the likes of Samuel Smith, Fuller’s, and other popular brands. But just like in the USA, this big name brews are gradually losing out to smaller, independent brands producing beers of great distinction, many of which rival the finest beers in the world.
Britain’s Community Pubs Minister (you have to respect any nation that has a separate government branch responsible for pubs!) Marcus Jones is pleased with the progress of brewing in the U.K., both from an economic and cultural perspective.
“Today’s figures show Britain is back on the map as a global Brewing Powerhouse with three breweries opening up every week”, said Jones. “We gave the world the IPA and the Great British pint has been revered ever since. This brewing boom means we are not only creating some of the world’s best beer that we all enjoy in our local pub and at home but also thousands of jobs and a multibillion-pound boost to the economy.
Much like in the United States, Britain has never seen better times for beer. Mike Benner, a member of the Society of Independent Brewers, is proud of the progress of craft beer in the homeland and points out that the consumer is the ultimate winner.
“This is an incredibly exciting time for British craft brewing”, said Benner. “The number of breweries is soaring leading to more jobs across the UK and more choice for consumers. With such an exciting range of different colors, strengths, styles and flavors, in draught, bottle or can format now available, I’m sure there is a beer out there to suit all palates.”
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