Craft beer is gaining popularity in Western Europe and, according to marketing research firm Canadean, premium cider is enjoying impressive growth as well, increasing sales by a compound rate of nearly 8 percent annually between 2009 and 2015.
Canadean’s research points to an important trend in these western European nations: The trend toward premium brands, which includes brands priced between 115% and 149% of the price of benchmark, mainstream brands. Consumers are spending more money on quality, premium cider and less on discounted and more popular mainstream brands. However, the trend is not spreading to the highest priced, or “super- premium” brands, which includes those priced at 150% or greater compared to the benchmark mainstream brands, because apparently their perceived quality does not justify prices at this level.
Some West Europe countries have posted impressive growth in the premium cider market. In Spain, growth is around 3% annually and in France, sales have advanced an impressive 15%. Leading the way is the Republic of Ireland with astounding 107% growth. The United Kingdom, still the largest market for premium cider, witnessed a small 1% decline but this was more than offset by the gains in other countries.
Spain’s increased cider popularity was fueled mainly by the increased demand for import ciders and natural ciders. The latter was particularly popular with the younger crowd, who find the idea of natural, no sugar added products quite appealing. In France, the key to premium cider growth was the trend toward quality over quantity. Ireland’s rapid growth in premium cider preference can be attributed to several factors, including a recovering economy and the introduction of brand- name premium products, like Heineken’s Orchard Thieves Cider, a cider produced specifically to appeal to the unique taste preferences of Irish consumers.
Canadean’s research experts expect the trend toward premium cider to continue in Western Europe as consumers look to upgrade current brands with greater quality ciders priced just slightly higher. Heineken has already taken advantage of this shift in consumer preferences by introducing new ciders to the market and more breweries, large and small, may follow suit as they seek out new growth opportunities in the coming year.
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