Do you like your beer complex and full bodied? So do I and with such a wide array of big craft beer, a rich and tasty beer is within a few minutes of most Americans homes. Several breweries serve up the rich and flavorful and one of my personal favorites is Karbach Rodeo Clown Double IPA.
Beer Bio
Style: American Double IPA
Calories: Unknown
Carbs: Unknown
Alcohol Content: 9.5 percent by volume
Bitterness Rating: 85 IBU
Karbach Brewing Rodeo Clown Double IPA is a copper colored beer with a large, strong head of foam that can easily overflow your glass when poured and has excellent staying power. The nose on this beer is one of earthy and fruity notes, namely citrus and even some berry with some candied scents as well. The body of the beer is generally clear but with a slight haze.
This double IPA serves up a complex flavor of caramel malts, citrus, bread, biscuit, and berries. Piney flavors, toffee, and orange peel can be detected with each sip and the body of the beer is full and rich, with a somewhat syrup- like consistency. A touch of alcohol is present, but it’s not as noticeable as it is with other beers of equal alcoholic strength.
Karbach Rodeo Clown Double IPA is one of my favorite beers of this style and it’s one of those beers that continue to give generously all the way to the final sip. This ale offers a great deal of complexity and I find that I continue to discover more flavors each time I drink. The citrus and bread, for example, are easy to pick out. But take a few mores sips and you will discover more and more complexity. It’s a fun beer to sample with a friend and discuss all of the interesting flavors each of you can taste.
Karbach Rodeo Clown Double IPA is sold in cans and in bomber bottles. Which you drink is a matter of preference, but in many ways I prefer the cans. I like the big, beautiful head of foam I get when I pour this beer from a can. The bomber bottle cannot quite match the can in this area but other than that, everything else is identical.
Double IPA are full- bodied beers as a rule and Karbach Rodeo Clown Double IPA is certainly a beer with a great body and much more. The complexity keeps on giving and keeps you guessing, all the way to the final sip from your glass. Seek it out and give it a try when you can and discover what getting down with the clown is truly like.
Rating: 9 Cheers out of 10
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