Day one of the 2012 Great American Beer Festival is underway.

The Great American Beer Festival, one of the largest beer festivals on the planet and the largest competitive event of its kind, kicked off at the Denver Convention Center today, Thursday, October 11, 2012. Thousands of thirsty festival- goers waited in line as the doors opened at 5:30 p.m., ready to make their way from booth to booth and sample some of the delicious craft beer that is making America famous.
The festival continues today through Saturday when the winners will be awarded with Gold, Silver, or Bronze medals. A special Brewers Association members- only session will be held Saturday afternoon from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m., at which the 2012 winners will be crowned just before the Saturday session begins at 5:30 p.m.
Tickets are completely sold out for the event, leaving would- be attendees no other choice but to follow the event online through The Brewing Network or some other source. One other option is to purchase a ticket second- hand, but potential buyers need to beware of potential fraud as Great American Beer Festival tickets are a hot item and carry a premium price tag.
Check back at Great Beer Now over the coming days for a complete listing of winners and other news.
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