Harpoon Brewery in Boston, Massachusetts is a great place to work for many reasons, but high on the list of desirability factors has to be the overseas employee beer excursions. During the early spring each year, Harpoon employees who are celebrating an anniversary with the company are taken on a field trip of sorts to an overseas destination to learn more about beer and culture. During these educational excursions, Harpoon employees get to experience European beer first hand, with brewery tours and immersion into the beer culture that pervades so many nations in this part of the world. In 2015, Harpoon took its employees to Germany and the employees came back with much wisdom and many new ideas, one of which was the inspiration for a new beer: Harpoon Sticke Alt, the latest in the Harpoon 100 Barrel Series.
What exactly led the employees to embrace this style of beer and make it their own? It turns out that the employees were visiting Dusseldorf one night and they were sampling altbiers in an outdoor beer garden. They quickly took a liking to this style of beer and were particularly drawn to one specific style of alt known as Sticke Alt. Sticke means “secret” and those who brew this style keep the recipe under wraps. Sticke Alt is s style known for its medium to full body, complex flavors, and German yeast character. This style and the evening in the beer garden captured the attention of the employees and once back in the USA, they were ready to recreate the beer at Harpoon Brewery for their own enjoyment and the pleasure of others. A short time later, their vision become reality when Sticke Alt was born.
Harpoon 100 Barrel Series Sticke Alt will be available in 22 oz. bomber bottles and on draft starting May 1st. Harpoon has planned an evening of celebration at the Harpoon Beer Hall in Boston, Massachusetts on Wednesday, May 4 and invites everyone age 21 and up to attend and sample some of this beer. Information and tickets to the event can be found by visiting http://100bbl57party.splashthat.com/PR.
Here are some quick facts and tasting notes for Harpoon 100 Barrel Series Sticke Alt:
Style: Sticke Alt
ABV: 6.6%
IBUs: 50
Appearance: Amber/brown with garnet and red hues
Aroma: Chocolate, caramel, wheat, bready, slight fruity hop aroma
Mouth feel: Medium-Full Body with a bitterness that cuts the sweet malt
Taste: Rich and complex malt profile with some noble hops in the finish and a clean yeast character from German Ale Yeast fermented at slightly cool temps
Finish: Sweet, slightly bitter, leaving you wanting another sip
A group of 18 Harpoon employees is heading to London the week of April 23 to April 30 for the 2016 edition of Harpoon’s annual employee excursion. It will be interesting to see how the experience in the UK influences the employees and if any new beer ideas result. Other beers in the 100 Barrel Series have, in fact, been inspired by the annual trip and they include Refsvindinge Danish Farmhouse Ale, Polskie Mastne, and Tuscan Pool Party. There is no reason to think that this trip to the UK will be any different.
Look for 100 Barrel Series Sticke Alt at stores and taverns near you, where Harpoon products are presently sold. To learn more about this beer and Harpoon Brewery, visit www.harpoonbrewery.com or follow Harpoon on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheHarpoonBrewery, on Twitter at @harpoon_brewery, and on Instagram at @harpoonbrewery.
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