For centuries, wine has been the world’s drink of choice, with roughly 75% of adults drinking it regularly. A social drink, wine is the perfect tipple for various special and casual occasions and has numerous tastes and price points available to suit just about everyone. Not only that, wine has undergone studies over recent years showing that pouring yourself a glass of wine to enjoy with friends has many surprising health benefits. However, with the current focus on wellness, the amount of sugar in a serving of wine has also been the subject of widespread debate. In this article, we explore wine’s sugar content and see which type has the highest amount, as well as five incredible health benefits of wine that could help you forgive the sugar content.
Is There Sugar in Wine?
Wine is typically made from grapes that contain natural sugars thanks to their high glucose and fructose content. In order to make wine, these grapes are fermented, causing the sugars to be broken down into alcohol through the addition of cultured yeasts. When this occurs, the sugars are converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Any sugars that aren’t broken down are left as residual sugar. However, certain winemakers also add in additional sugars, after the fermentation process, for a sweeter taste. Winemakers may also add additional sugar when under-ripe grapes are used to enable the yeast to produce more alcohol – a process called chaptalization, which increases alcohol by volume, (ABV).
Which Wine has the Most Sugar?
Wines typically hold less sugar than grapes, and dry variations have the least sugar with less than 10 grams or one percent sugar content per litre. This is due to a longer fermentation process and the yeast having already eaten the naturally occurring sugar in the grapes. If you are a wine lover looking to stock up for the season but want to watch your sugar intake, purchasing a case of wine with your favourite dry varieties to consume in moderation as part of a healthy lifestyle is a great way to go.
Whites, reds, and dessert wines all have varying quantities, and the higher the sugar, the lower the alcohol content, generally speaking, with one glass of wine containing anywhere from 1 to 8 grams of sugar.
Red wine is made using dark grapes with the skins left on during fermentation, creating a rich, red color. In general, it has the lowest sugar content among any other wine with under one gram of sugar per glass. Moreover, it has many health benefits as its rich in antioxidants and polyphenols.
One of the most accessible wines, white wine tends to be lighter and sweeter than its red counterpart. Made from white grapes, the skins are removed before fermentation, resulting in fewer antioxidants and calories and a lower alcohol content. An average glass of white contains between 1 and 1.5 grams of sugar, which at the upper end is 64% more than red. However, while a glass of white contains more sugar than red, it is still well below the recommended intake.
Given the name, it’s not surprising that dessert wines contain the most amount of sugar. Port, for example, has 100 grams (!) of residual sugar alone. Additionally, a Moscato includes a staggering 100-200 grams of sugar per litre and should be avoided by anyone who wants to restrict their sugar consumption. Just like dessert itself!
Health Benefits of Wine
While some wines have more sugar than others, many are naturally low in sugar, and by educating yourself, you will have the knowledge to make the right choice for you. Wine, when consumed in moderation, also has many health benefits that can help offset the detriments of sugar. Let’s explore some of them below:
It promotes heart health
There is now a well-known link between red wine and healthy heart benefits. Research has shown that indulging in a glass of red wine a day can prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease. It can also help lower artery-damaging cholesterol. Red wine is rich in antioxidants – the substances that protect your cells against potentially harmful free radicals that promote heart disease and cancer. An example of this is resveratrol, which has recently gained attention for its health benefits, such as improving heart, bone, and brain function. Polyphenols are also present in red wine and can help protect the lining of blood vessels in your heart, preventing the formation of clots that could lead to heart attacks.
It can improve your skin
We’re often told that alcohol damages our skin, but wine can actually improve skin health. It’s all thanks to high levels of antioxidants that can help fight ageing by restoring elastic fibres and collagen. When consumed in moderation, wine can stimulate blood circulation, prevent skin ageing, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and boost sagging skin. Not only that, when applied directly onto the skin, it can also prevent the growth of acne-causing bacteria keeping the complexion looking clear and glowing.
It can prevent Alzheimer’s
The total number of people with Alzheimer’s is growing fast, with approximately 44 million living with the debilitating illness worldwide. While there still isn’t a cure, drinking wine could contribute to its prevention, reducing the risk of getting dementia, a disorder of the brain’s mental processes. Resveratol, the antioxidant found in wine, aids in keeping the blood vessels open and allows oxygen to move to the brain, keeping it functioning and preventing blockages.
It protects your teeth
While it is often said that red wine can cause discoloration, grape seed extract, polyphenols, and wine can protect your pearly whites by slowing down the growth of plaque bacteria that can cause cavities and tooth decay. Even though wine can increase your body’s natural defenses against potential oral diseases, it is essential to remember that it shouldn’t replace dental hygiene, including daily flossing, brushing, and visits to the dentist.
Wrapping up
What can we conclude about sugar in wine? The fact of the matter is that sugar is essential in turning grapes into the tasty drink favored by millions of people globally. Without it, wine literally wouldn’t exist and while sugar does have its downside, it isn’t something to be feared, provided you watch your sugar intake.
Unlike many processed drinks, the sugars found in wine naturally occur and come from the grapes themselves. While it is true that some winemakers add extra sugar to increase sweetness and produce more volume in alcohol, many don’t, with red and dry wines having the lowest levels, followed by white.
Even with sugar in the mix, there is no denying the many benefits of wine when consumed in moderation and as part of a healthy lifestyle. These include protection against Alzheimer’s, keeping the heart healthy, improving the skin, and adding healthy antioxidants to your diet. Knowing these facts means you can enjoy your next glass of wine without any guilt.
I’ve always wondered if there is sugar in wine and how much does it contain. We can all enjoy these benefits of wine as long as it’s in moderation. Thank you for the information.
As always, moderation is what matters. Keep the consumption low and your health will benefit.
I’m surprised that wines can improve our skins. This is something new to me.
Thanks for sharing these benefits!
This was a really interesting read. We all know that wine is fermented fruit, so of course, there will be sugar in it, but I never really thought about how much there might be in it. Very cool.
The greatest shock to most people is the amount of sugar in dessert wines, like port. It can have up to 100 times as much sugar as a glass of red wine. That’s a huge difference!
Ooh, I didn’t know about the sugar content of wines. I learned a lot here, now I’m excited to try some wine again. Thanks!
As someone who has to be on a low sugar diet for health reasons, I do know there is sugar in it which is why I have it in moderation – only one glass at a time – both because I like it but also to reap the health benefits.
I love drinking wine especially when I want to just have some me-time but I actually don’t know about the sugar levels of it nor the alcohol contents. I just enjoy drinking, and yes, moderate drinking only.
That’s interesting. It has some good benefits for our body and mind. I don’t have a lot of wine or any drink. But this makes me think again and maybe I should try it.
Great information! I am not a huge wine drinker, however, I do enjoy a glass every once in a while so this is good to know!
It is probably more sugar than I’d like. I also have trouble because I don’t like the dry wines either.
I actually did not even realize that some wine has added sugar. I need to be more aware.
It is great knowing wine can prevent Alzheimer’s. One for the road , please..
Hhhhhmmmm….so, is it safe to say that all wine has got some sugar in it? I feel it is that way.
Yes, all wine has some sugar but as the stats show, red wine is in fact very low. The one to worry about is port/dessert wine. 100 grams of sugar is a lot!
I like those sweet dessert wine and white wine with fruity flavour. Since I go to France very often, I have chances to buy local wine in large amount and enjoy during the year!