Just a short time ago, I posted an article about the status of homebrewing and how it was made legal by president Jimmy Carter back in 1979. Carter’s actions were great news for beer lovers everywhere but, unfortunately, some U.S. states stubbornly decided to keep their anti- homebrewing laws in place, in spite of the nonsensical, anti- freedom nature of such archaic mandates.
A few weeks ago, there were three remaining U.S. states that had still not made homebrewing legal. Today, that number has fallen to only two states. The passage of House Bill 2348 in the state of Oklahoma brings the Sooner State into the twenty- first century and leaves Alabama and Mississippi as the only remaining states where homebrewing isn’t legal.
This House Bill was co- sponsored by representative Colby Schwartz and senator Mike Schultz and received largey bipartisan support among Republicans and Democrats who all realized the stupidity and backwardness in having such prohibitionary laws still in place. Making wine and cider at home are legal in Oklahoma and have been for some time. And, of course, it has been legal to buy beer and consume it for many decades. It only makes rational sense that individuals should be allowed to partake in their homebrewing hobby, just like they are in the vast majority of the United States.
As sensible as this type of legislation sounds, it still ran up again some opposition. Bona fide idiots like Oklahoma representative Todd Russ actually tried to stop House Bill 2348, equating the legalizing of homebrewing to marijuana legalization, saying it was a stepping stone to drug legalization! Yes, stupidity is alive and well in Oklahoma, even ten years into the twenty- first century. Even Russ’ fellow Republicans (many of whom supported the bill) obviously feel Russ is an uneducated buffoon, as does most of the rational thinking world.
Passage of House Bill 2348 leaves Alabama and Mississippi as the only states that have not legalized homebrewing. There are movements underway to legalize homebrewing in these states as well, allowing hobbyists everywhere to enjoy making beer in the privacy of their own homes, free from government interference.
In the meantime, congratulations to the state of Oklahoma and to the thousands of homebrewers who helped to pass this legislation, overturning decades of neo- prohibition insanity.
I love texas and everything about it. probably because its where i grew up
I enjoyed reading your blog and I wanted to tell you that I totally agree with your comments about Oklahoma. It is hard to find people that think like us today.