Food and beverage manufacturers continue to create new gluten free versions of popular consumer items and now, another beer has jumped into the fray, offering its own version of a beer specially brewed and processed to remove the gluten.
This new gluten- free brew is Lammsbrau Pure Lager, a pilsner- style beer brewed in Germany. Lammsbrau follows in the footsteps of Omission as one of only a small number of beers sold in the U.S. that can legally claim to be free from gluten. Like Omission, Lammsbrau Pure Lager is not brewed with sorghum or millet. It is brewed the way a beer is supposed to be brewed, using barley malt, handcrafted with the gluten later removed and tested in a laboratory for purity.
Lammsbrau is already known for its all- natural, organic brewing processes so it made sense that this health- conscious brewery would try its hand at gluten free. The owners/brewers at Lammsbrau set out to brew a beer without gluten that still offered real beer taste. The result was Lammsbrau Pure Lager and fans the world over have already expressed much satisfaction.
“We’ve searched the world over, and again and again this was the beer that both gluten-intolerant drinkers and beer lovers without dietary restrictions chose for its exceptionally-authentic taste,” says Lars Dahlhaus, Specialty Brands Manager at St. Killian, the exclusive importer of Lammsbräu Brewery – Organic Beer from the Bavaria region of Germany. “This organic, vegan, gluten-removed beer will change the way that American drinkers think about gluten-free beers.”
Lammsbrau has been family owned for six generations and is considered one of the most environmentally conscious and health conscious breweries in the world. The beer products at Lammsbrau are brewed using environmentally-sound brewing practices and are made using only the basic ingredients: Mineral water, organic barley malt, organic hops, and yeast. This propensity toward purity make Lammsbrau an obvious choice among breweries for formulating a gluten- free beer product and drinkers in Lammsbrau’s native Germany couldn’t be happier.
“For gluten-concerned drinkers, beer is one of the most beloved beverages they have to give up. As beer lovers ourselves, we simply couldn’t get accustomed to the idea that anyone should have to categorically swear off beer,” says Susanne Horn, General Manager of the Lammsbräu Brewery.
Lammsbräu Pure Lager is now available in a few select East Coast markets such as Boston, Washington, D.C., New York, and Florida as well as California. Distribution may very well expand to more markets depending on consumer response.
To find out more about Lammsbrau, visit the company web site,
While on a Viking River cruise in Germany I was introduced by the ship’s head chef to Lammsbrau Gluten Free beer. I thought it was exceptional. I have been unable to find it in my area (Orange County, California USA) which is next to Los Angels County. Please let me know where or how I can purchase this item. Thank you.