Boston’s Harpoon Brewery announced today the transition of one of its fan favorite beers from draft only to cans. The newest addition to the world of metal is Harpoon Hoppy Adventure Double IPA, now sold in four packs of 16 ounce cans for the first time.
Hoppy Adventure Double IPA isn’t a well- known Harpoon beer and that is because it debuted as a draft- only beer and has been sold to the public that way from the beginning. It started out as a test beer, the result of Harpoon’s ongoing hop experimentation series, and was available only in the Harpoon tap room and in A limited number of taverns and restaurants. High demand from fans convinced Harpoon to take Hoppy Adventure Double IPA to the next level, sending it through the canning machine to satisfy consumer wishes.
Hoppy Adventure has a fruity aroma and a pronounced citrus and tropical flavor. The beer contains 7.8 percent alcohol by volume and sports a bitterness rating of 58 IBU. These numbers are slightly lower than those of other double IPA, indicating that Hoppy Adventure is a more relaxed version of the style.
Harpoon Hoppy Adventure is available in the 4-packs and on draft in place where harpoon is currently sold. To locate Harpoon Hoppy Adventure in your area, use the Harpoon Beer Finder at http://www.harpoonbrewery.com/beer-finder . More accounts will be added over time, so be sure to check the beer finder frequently.
To keep up with the latest happenings at Harpoon Brewery via social media, be sure to follow these links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheHarpoonBrewery
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