Fosters has long embodied the Australian beer culture. Ask anyone to name an Australian beer and Foster’s Lager is almost always the first name that comes to mind. The large, blue oil can with the bold letter “F” and the small image of a kangaroo are easily recognized the world over and most anyone who has even the slightest interest in beer has likely imbibed a can or two of Foster’s Lager at some point.
However, there is one major issue that beer people have with Foster’s Lager and that is the simple fact that it isn’t really Australian at all. The beer isn’t brewed in Australia and isn’t even owned by an Australian company. Anheuser- Busch InBev actually owns the brand.
Many might be surprised to learn that Fosters isn’t that popular in Australia even though it is promoted as being the quintessential Aussie brew. Fosters is far from being what it claims, but there is an alternative brewery that better represents what Australian beer is and should be. It’s known simply as the Australian Brewery and head brewer Dan Shaw is out to change the false perceptions of Fosters and Australian beer culture, introducing the world to far more flavorful beer from his native land.
“For a long time, the Australian beer market was dominated by commercial beer companies that didn’t stray outside the norm,” says Shaw. “However, over the last 30 years we have seen a huge increase in the craft of beer making, and as a result, we have witnessed the development of many micro and craft breweries that take pride in their brews and push the boundaries rather than rely on tired marketing campaigns.”
Shaw is also annoyed, like many of us are, that Fosters continues to advertise itself as the symbol of Australian beer.
“Foster’s Lager was first imported into the UK in 1971 and launched in the US in 1972,” Shaw continued. “It is time for the marketing campaign pushing it as the ‘face of Australian beer’ to end.”
Australian Brewery was launched into the United States just recently and its Pale Ale, New World Pilsner, and Saison D’Heretique are serving Americans a taste of what true Australian beer is all about. The brewery may not be as well- known as Fosters, but give it time. Once it catches on and American and the world discover what is going on in this area of the Southern Hemisphere, they will never look at Foster’s Lager the same way again. I haven’t had the opportunity to try any beer from the Australian Brewery yet, but I am completely confident that it will taste better than any beer wearing the Foster’s label.
For more information on Australian Brewery, visit online at www.australianbrewery.com
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