No Label Brewing helps to expand craft brewing in the greater Houston area
Houston, Texas is a large metropolitan area with a good deal of entertainment. However, Houston is sorely lacking in one important area: beer. Oh sure, there is plenty of beer available for purchase, but Houston has very few brewing operations. This is slowly changing and the latest addition is No Label Brewing in the Houston suburb of Katy, Texas. Here are the facts:
Name: No Label Brewing
Location: 5373 First Street, Katy, Texas
Beers available: Four of them: Blonde, Pale Ale, Amber Ale, and Hefeweizen
No Label Brewing makes for a plesantly surprising first impression, and for good reason. The brewery is located inside a set of old farm silos! It isn’t everyday you come across a brewery with its operation inside a place that should be storing hay and animal feed, but this is what you get with No Label Brewing Company. The actual brewery, the makeshift bar, and restrooms are located in the walkway area between the silos and the operation makes for an eye- opening first impression.
Walking inside No Label Brewing for the first time, I was greeted quickly by Jennifer Royo who knew who I was when I told her my name. She, along with husband Brian Royo and Brian’s mother and father, run the new brewery and each has his/her defined role. The brewery could easily expand in the future and add more employees but for now, it remains a family operation.
So, the No Label Brewing Company offers an interesting appearance and good customer service, but what about the beer? Well, I got to sample three products when I visited: El Hefe, a hefeweizen style brew; Ridgeback Ale, an American Amber Ale; and Pale Horse, an American Pale Ale (Blonde Ale wasn’t available on the day I visited). All three were interesting and each had its own unique attributes. My personal favorite was the Pale Horse, but all three products certainly have their own personalities and different customers will appreciate different products.
If you enjoy a good craft beer and want to sample the latest in the Houston area, I recommend adding No Label Brewing to your weekend entertainment schedule. The brewery is located about a half- hour west of downtown Houston and if all goes well, it could be well on its way to becoming Houston’s premier craft- brewing operation in the near future.
I cannot agree more. I’ve lived as well as labored in the Houston community for lots of years, and this is certainly precisely the way I really feel. Thanks!
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