Disclaimer: The following may have been compensated in the form of goods or services, but the opinions are 100% those of Great Beer Now!
A game of poker, blackjack, Euchre, or other card game is often accompanied with a glass of beer. When friends take their seats around the table and the cards are dealt, there is almost always a call for brew, since it seems to fit naturally with a card game or any other game, for that matter. Having a deck of cards that can withstand the spilled drinks and sloppy consumption of food that is often part of a card game is certainly a plus and a deck of cards that fulfills this important requirement is Nod Products Dry Decks Waterproof Playing Cards.
Novelty is Nice
Nod Products makes several different versions of these waterproof cards. The difference among sets is with the design on the back of the cards. The beer card set, which is the one I have, features a beer jug on the back of one set of cards and an assortment of small symbols like beer glasses, barrels, barely etc. on the other. Nod Products has sets of cards featuring other things, too, but since I’m a beer writer, this set is perfect for me. And the manufacturer sells them as a pair of decks per package, so you always have a backup.
Keep Them Clean
The cards in this set are more durable than the average playing cards. Other playing cards are also plastic coated, but Nod Products has manufactured these cards as more durable than most, with a coating that protects the cards from wear and tear. The coating seals the cards from harm and they wipe clean easily. If food or drink comes in contact with the cards, you can easily wipe them clean and dry them off, making them look like new. The cards are slick, too, and don’t stick together, either, so you are less likely to experience a misdeal during your next round of euchre.
Symbols by the Pair
I like these cards from Nod Products for their durability more than anything and I like that I can take them to my backyard, next to my pool, for a few rounds of poker without worrying that the cards will get ruined from splashing water. I do have one issue, however, and that is the fact that the cards lack detail. The King, Queen, and Jack do not feature a face. All you get is a double image of the suit, in the middle of the card. The same is true with the numbered cards as well. Whether the card in your hand is a 2, 8, Jack, King, or any other card, each one has exactly the same image in the middle: A pair of hearts, diamonds, spades, or clubs. This makes them a little plainer than other cards and a little less creative.
Buy a Set Today
Playing cards are a household essential and Nod Products Dry Decks Waterproof Playing Cards with Beer images is a good set of cards. They would be better if they included a little more detail on each card, like multiple symbols to match the number and actual drawings for the Jack, Queen, and King cards. This lack of detail and simple pair of images in the middle of each card is a little less visually appealing, but the simplicity might suit some people just fine. And most important of all, these cards are durable, perfect for those who like to eat and drink while they play card games and not worry about the cards getting ruined from contact with liquid. They wipe clean and are designed to last, and this fact makes Nod Products Dry Decks Playing Cards a good set of cards for the beer drinkers among us.
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