Considered the granddaddy of all beer events, the annual Oktoberfest held each year in Munich, Germany ranks as the world’s largest party.
This world event has its beginnings in 1810 when Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese of Saxe- Hildburghausen organized a horse race in mid October to commemorate their marriage. The Munich Oktoberfest has been held for most every year since, barring a few interruptions due to political and other events. Next year, 2010, will mark the 200th anniversary of this event, so it will likely be even bigger and better than ever.
What Makes the Oktoberfest so Special?
Munich’s Oktoberfest is an event of gigantic proportions. A twelve- gun salute opens the festivities and the Mayor of Munich is responsible for tapping the opening keg. Once the ceremonial keg is tapped, the festival officialy begins. It is seventeen or eighteen days in length and always begins in mid September, ending the first weekend of October. More than six million attendees consume more than 1.5 million gallons of beer, partake in German Bavarian culture, and consume tons of food from traditional German fare such as saurkraut and sausage to more common cuisine such as pork, chicken, and fish. Besides beer, festivalgoers consume thousands of gallons of coffee, tea, wine, water, etc.
Why Shoould You Consider Attending the Munich Oktoberfest?
Why? Oh, let’s see- it’s only the largest party/festival on the planet, the largest and oldest beer festival on Earth, an event rich in history and culture, and a chance to mingle with millions of individuals who have made the trek to Munich in order to enjoy German culture, heritage, and beer- just like you plan to do. Other than that, I can’t think of any reason to attend
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