Do you like it dark? Okay, get your mind out of the gutter- I’m referring to dark beer. I happen to love my dark brew and one of the best dark beers brewed and sold in the USA is about to make its annual appearance on store shelves and bar taps everywhere. That beer is Oskar Blues Ten FIDY Imperial Stout, back for another seasonal run.
Ten FIDY is different from other fall seasonals. Rather than the oh-so-standard Oktoberfest and pumpkin beers, Ten FIDY is a strong stout bursting with complexity. The beer hits you with flavors of roasted malt, caramel, coffee, chocolate, and other delightful sensations with an undeniable alcohol presence. The alcohol by volume weighs in at 10.5 percent, easily besting the bulk of fall seasonal beers. Oskar Blues head of brewing operations Tim Mathews says the key to Ten FIDY’s greatness is the quality of the ingredients.
“Ten FIDY is the perfect illustration of the how good the malt we use really is,” said Mathews. “Shipped direct to the brewery from the Simpsons Malthouse in the UK; the roast, chocolate, espresso, and burnt sugar really pop. It’s a bear to brew and tests the brewer at every step, but all the sweat and tears are worth it!”
One of the many reasons to love Ten FIDY is its complexity. With each tasting experience and each sip, new sensations come forth. It’s one of those beers you can drink with a friend, compare tasting notes, and discover that you each found completely different yet equally valid reasons to love it so. It’s #NeverTheSameStout and that is what makes Oskar Blues Ten Fidy so endearing.
Ten FIDY is sold in four-pack, 12-ounce cans and on tap in all 50 states where Oskar Blues Brewery is presently available. The beer will be available from September through March only, so be sure to grab a four pack while you can. To find Oskar Blues Ten FIDY in your area, visit www.oskarblues.com/beerFinder.
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