Disclosure: This review is based on a complimentary sample received from the manufacturer. The medical claims are those of the manufacturer. The opinions are completely my own.
Everyone loves a good drink, or two, or three, or…..well, you get the picture. But drinking to excess, even if it takes place in a safe setting and no driving is involved, can still lead to the inevitable: The dreaded next- day hangover. Fortunately, there is a new product formulated to prevent hangovers and make your day after
drinking as trouble free as possible. It’s called Never Hungover, a liquid nutrition supplement that helps remove the pain from the morning after.
How Does it Work?
Never Hungover is a liquid drink that should be consumed about an hour before drinking alcohol. It should be consumed at the rate of about one, 2- ounce shot for every 4 drinks consumed. It can be consumed either as a shot or as a mixer with another beverage.
Never Hungover contains no calories or sugar and is gluten- free. The nutrients in Never Hungover include, but are not limited to:
- Potassium
- Milk Thistle
- Vitamin B
- Green Tea Extract
- Aloe Vera
The blend of antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and other ingredients found in Never Hungover helps to break down the chemical acetaldehyde, the primary cause of hangovers. This chemical is produced in the liver and is considered toxic to the body- multiple times more toxic than the alcohol that produces it. Never Hungover breaks down the acetaldehyde and converts it into acetic acid, which is then expulsed from the system through normal bodily functions.
My Experience
Here at Great Beer Now, we do enjoy a few cold ones here and there (believe it or not!) and sometimes, the good times can get the best of us. I can say with honesty, however, that these days of overdoing it are very few and very far between. I don’t get hangovers and rarely do I even get headaches. In fact, I cannot even remember the last time I had a hangover or headache. Still, the idea that a nutrition supplement can prevent hangovers does have appeal and for that reason, I was willing to give the product a try.
What I noticed first about Never Hungover is the taste and I was quite pleased with the pleasant discovery. I imagined a medicinal drink that tasted like a cross between a multi- vitamin and Nyquil, but fortunately, it isn’t like that. The product has a lime flavor and is pleasant tasting enough to drink all by itself. If you’re still a little scared, then just mix it was another drink, like a glass of filtered water. The manufacturer recommends drinking it about an hour before you start to drink alcohol, for best effects.
To really put Never Hungover to the test would require going on an all- out drinking binge, complete with combinations of beer, wine, and liquor. I wasn’t willing to act as a human guinea pig, but I was willing to at least give the product a try before embarking on a normal Saturday night of beer drinking. What I discovered is that I did, indeed, feel better than usual the next day. The volume of beer I consumed wasn’t enough to cause a full- fledged, head- pounding, stomach- turning hangover, but it was enough to feel at least some discomfort under normal circumstances. What I found was that I felt perfectly fine the next day. I felt the same way I would have felt had I consumed no alcohol at all. Those who routinely overconsume or who are prone to hangovers could benefit greatly from a product like this.
Drink Without the Pain
Hangovers are a pain, literally. They can ruin a good night of fun and can lead to a wasted day spent in bed and even missed time on your job. Anything that can eliminate or lessen the severity of a hangover is certainly welcome and Never Hungover appears to be a worthwhile product for this purpose. Someone with greater hangover tendencies could better evaluate the effectiveness of Never Hungover but I can say that it does make a difference and it earns the Great Beer Now seal of approval.
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