Ranger India Pale Ale is a Lighter, yet Very Tasty IPA
Colorado has made a name for itself as a state with a brewery- friendly business climate. When most people think about beer and Colorado, Coors is usually the first brewery that comes to mind, but there are many successful craft breweries and one of the best- known is New Belgium. One of New Belgium’s newer offerings is Ranger India Pale Ale, a hoppy brew.
Beer Bio:
Style: American India Pale Ale
Alcohol Level: 6.5 percent by volume
Calories: Unknown
Carbs: Unknown
Looking at the basics, Ranger India Pale Ale pours to a golden/amber color and it offers a nose that combines spice with piney notes. This ale forms a head of foam that is moderate to light, with plenty of lacing that covers the sides of your glass as you consume. The taste offers a flavor that emphasizes hops over the malt, with citrus, floral, and pine vying for attention. There is a decent malt base, and it imparts a pleasant caramel- like, biscuity flavor.
Ranger India Pale Ale is an American India Pale Ale with a good deal of hop bitterness- 70 IBU, to be exact- and it easily eclipses the bitterness level of other New Belgium products. The hops are quite tasty, and they contribute a nice array of flavors. The bitter hop flavor is dominant, but it isn’t over the top, making for an easy- drinking IPA that will satisfy both newbies and connoisseurs.
Ranger India Pale Ale, while it does offer the full flavor of hops, isn’t as rich and full- bodied as some of the best examples of the style. New Belgium Brewing products are known for their ultimate restraint and Ranger India Pale Ale is no different. You get the burst of citrus hops, but then the beer finishes just slightly weak and slightly watery. However, the interesting thing to note is that this doesn’t distract much at all from the enjoyment of the product. The hops taste so fresh and good that you don’t mind the somewhat watery sensation at the end.
India Pale Ale is often an acquired taste, and Ranger India Pale Ale makes a good choice for those who are new to the style and want to learn more. It is also good for those who love a good IPA and enjoy the wonderful taste that only citrus hops can bring. Yes, Ranger India Pale Ale isn’t as full- bodied as other IPA, but it is still very good tasting and it makes a good, everyday IPA for general beer drinking purposes.
Rating: 8 Cheers out of 10
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