Malternatives are similar to beer and while not usually as good as the real thing, there are a few exceptions.
Beer is a diversified beverage with many different styles, colors, and varieties. Beer is made with a set of basic ingredients, with slight variations or additions from one example to the next. One product that is made with a malt beverage base but doesn’t include hops or other ingredients is Smirnoff Twisted Ice Mango, a fruity alternative to ordinary brew.
Beer Bio:
Style: Flavored “Malternative” Beer Product
Alcohol Level: 4.5 Percent Alcohol by Volume.
Calories: Unknown, but likely 200+
Carbs: Unknown
Smirnoff Twisted Ice Mango is a malt- based beverage with a clear body and light carbonation. This product pours out of the bottle like Seven- Up; fizzy but quick to lose its top coating of bubbles, leaving behind a beverage that looks like a glass of carbonated water. The flavor of this product is very direct, with the taste of mangoes and a touch of passionfruit and melon. The light carbonation makes the drink crisp and refreshing, and there is a pleasant aftertaste of mangoes. The taste is sweet overall, but there is a certain tartness that helps to keep it somewhat balanced.
Smirnoff Twisted Ice Mango is one of the newer flavors offered by the Smirnoff Ice family of “malternative” beverages. For those who are unaware, these malternatives are malt- based beverages manufactured with other ingredients to make them sufficiently different enough from beer that they are not usually referred to as beer. These products are similar to each other in many ways, offering a similar appearance, body, and alcohol content. The only difference among them is the fruit flavoring and Smirnoff Ice Mango is one of approximatey ten different varieties under the Smirnoff Ice label.
One small surprise with Smirnoff Twisted Ice Mango is the light level of carbonation. This seems to be a trend with these malternative beverages. From what I recall, they were much bubblier when first introduced a few years ago. The manufacturers continue to lessen the carbonation, and I think this was a smart decision. The carbonation level was too much at first and it made the product too much like a fountain soft drink. There is still a good deal of refreshment in these malternative drinks and this refreshment ranks as their strongest traits.
Is Smirnoff Twisted Ice Mango going to take the place of my regular beer anytime soon? The answer to that question is a most definite “No”. However, some of these malternative beverages have good things to offer and Smirnoff Twisted Ice Mango is one of the better ones on the market. It offers an agreeable taste that most anyone will find to their liking and while it could be even better with a little more body and/or something to set it apart from the other malternatives, it is still a good beverage in its own right.
Rating: 7 Cheers out of 10
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