Houston’s Saint Arnold Brewing Company, the oldest craft brewery in the state of Texas, is proud to announce the successful funding of another community initiative. Just a few days ago, Saint Arnold Founder/Brewer Brock Wagner presented a check for $12,000 to BARC Animal Shelter and Adoptions, the present recipient of funds from sales of Saint Arnold Ale Wagger Beer. One dollar from each case of Saint Arnold Ale Wagger- the award winning brown ale once known as Saint Arnold Brown Ale- is donated to local animal welfare organizations as part of an initiative established a short time ago. Wagner credits the local community and its unyielding support of Saint Arnold Brewing products for helping make this possible.
“Our love for our own animals combined with the problem Houston has with stray and unwanted dogs and cats led us to create the Ale Wagger initiative,” said Wagner. “The Saint Arnold community support is what makes this donation possible. We are excited to be part of the answer here and in all communities where our beer is sold. My family’s three rescue dogs and four rescue cats also endorse these efforts.”
Saint Arnold launched the Ale Wagger initiative in the early fall of 2014 promising a portion of Ale Wagger beer sales to different animal welfare organizations. The good guys and gals at Saint Arnold Brewery want to do more than help with the care of stray animals- they also want to encourage responsible pet ownership and urge everyone to adopt homeless animals. Since the launch of the Ale Wagger initiative, Saint Arnold has partnered with than a dozen organizations throughout Texas, Louisiana and Florida, which are three of the states where Saint Arnold products are sold. In the coming months, Saint Arnold Brewing plans to present additional donations, representing a portion of proceeds from the sale of Ale Wagger in each of these three markets.
One great fact about Saint Arnold Brewing is its community spirit and involvement in local and national causes. The Saint Arnold Ale Wagger initiative is just one of many- the brewery has also donated money to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, the Texas Children’s Hospital’s Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, the Galveston Historical Foundation, and several other worthy causes. Brock Wagner and crew are strong believers in community and they strive to run the business in an ethical and philanthropic manner.
Saint Arnold Ale Wagger is an immensely likable brown ale and has been recognized over the years with multiple awards. It took home a Bronze Medal in the English-Style Brown Ale category at the 2003 Great American Beer Festival, a Silver medal in the American Brown Ale category at the 1996 World Beer Cup, and Silver Medals in the Brown Ale category at the World Beer Championships in 1998 and 1996. It’s an agreeable all- around beer and with a portion of all sales going to animal welfare organizations, it’s a beer deserving of your attention. Grab a sixer the next time you’re shopping for a malt- forward beer and show your support for our furry friends, courtesy of Saint Arnold.
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