Houston’s Saint Arnold Brewing is ready to usher in the cooler time of year with a seasonal beer, but it’s not the once- per- year brew you’re thinking it is.
As Saint Arnold Brewing fans are well aware, Saint Arnold Brewing has always welcomed the change of seasons from fall to winter with the release of its winter stout. The dark, roasty beer was always there this time of year, helping all of us get through the tough winter months while anticipating the warmer days that lie ahead. This year, Saint Arnold is releasing a new winter seasonal. It’s called White Noise, a Belgian witbier.
White Noise isn’t entirely new. It’s actually a twist on a beer Saint Arnold released in the past. Those who are familiar with the Saint Arnold Icon series might recall that one of the 2015 Icon beers was a witbier. Saint Arnold is using this previous entry in the Icon series as a base and then adding Citra hops through dry hopping. The result is a witbier with a citrus presence along with the more commonplace witbier flavors like banana and coriander. White Noise is a complex beer, but its creamy body and agreeable flavors make it a highly drinkable beer.
For fans of Saint Arnold Winter Stout, well, you will have to forgo that roasty sensation, at least for this year. Saint Arnold Brewing will not release any of its beloved Winter Stout this season, but the good guys and gals at Saint Arnold promise to bring it back in future years, as a special release.
Winter beers are my favorite seasonal beers and Saint Arnold White Noise sounds like a delicious take on a popular favorite. I will miss my Saint Arnold Winter Stout, yes, but if White Noise is anything like it sounds, I may be able to forgive Texas’ oldest craft brewery for removing one of my favorite seasonal beers from its lineup. White Noise is available right now and will be around until supplies run out so get your fill of this new Saint Arnold beer while it’s available.
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