Saint Arnold Brewing has just released another in its Bishop’s Barrel series and this time, it’s a twist on a popular seasonal favorite, Saint Arnold Christmas Ale. This latest Bishop’s Barrel brew traces its roots back to 2011 when an earlier version of the barrel aged series of beer was already in the works.
Turn the clock back to Christmas 2011. Saint Arnold Brewing, the oldest craft brewery in Texas, was hard at work on a future Saint Arnold Bishop’s Barrel release. This Bishop’s Barrel beer was made using Saint Arnold Christmas Ale aged in Chardonnay barrels with tart cherries. Fifty of the fifty- eight barrels produced were released in early 2013 as Bishop’s Barrel No. 2. The remaining eight barrels were set aside and altered further with Brettanomyces, a wild yeast, then aged for another year. Eight barrels of beer isn’t much, but it was enough to handle a few special events as a limited release brew, known by Saint Arnold personnel as BB2B. The interesting flavor and uniqueness convinced Saint Arnold Founder/Brewer Brock Wagner to brew BB2B again on a larger scale.
“Just that one tweak of adding Brett fundamentally changed the beer, giving it a funky, earthy aroma and contributing a light acidity to the taste,” said Wagner. “As soon as I tasted it, I wanted to bring it back with Brett as a future Bishop’s Barrel beer.”
Fast forward to the end of the 2013 year. Saint Arnold’s Christmas Ale, its most popular seasonal beer, is near the end of its run, but to have enough beer to create another BB2B, Saint Arnold brews an additional batch of Christmas Ale. The beer was placed in Sauvignon Blanc barrels with tart cherries and three strains of Brettanomyces for secondary fermentation, then set aside for aging. Periodically, the brewing team checked the flavor of the aging beer and confirmed what they expected: The beer got better and better with age. A full 21 months later, the beer was ready to consume. Brewer Aaron Inkrott was very satisfied with the result:
“Bishop’s Barrel No. 12 has ruby highlights, an aroma that conjures thoughts of toasted pie crust and cherry pie with powdered sugar, and a flavor profile that starts with a light acidity quickly balanced with a cherry/caramel sweetness,” said Inkrott. “The finish is dry yet with a long, wine-like finish reminiscent of Chardonnay – even though the beer was aged in Sauvignon Blanc barrels.”
Bishop’s Barrel 12 is available only in limited supply. It will be sold in 12 oz.bottles and in draft form, but the distribution will be limited to taverns and restaurants in Texas and Louisiana. That means you won’t be able to find BB12 in your favorite beverage store or in other states where Saint Arnold beer is presently distributed. A sampling will require a visit to a local restaurant or pub in Texas or Louisiana where Saint Arnold beer is presently sold.
Bishop’s Barrel 12 Specifications:
Date Brewed: January 17, 2014
Date Racked: February 6, 2014
Date Bottled: November 23, 2015
Type of Barrel: Sauvignon Blanc barrels
Original Gravity: 1.066
Final Gravity (after barrel): 1.0045
Alcohol: 8.85 percent ABV after barreling
Bitterness: 18 IBUs
Color (SRM): 20.8
About Saint Arnold Brewing Company
Saint Arnold Brewing’s 16 brews are made and sold by the company’s staff of 80 dedicated employees. Ranked 46th on the Brewers Association list of top craft breweries, Saint Arnold was listed by USA Today as one of the “10 great places to see what’s brewing in beer,” and Smart Meetings magazine named it among the “Top 5 breweries to host an event.” Saint Arnold is located at 2000 Lyons Avenue and its brewery tour and tasting is offered every weekday at 3:00 P.M. and Saturdays starting at 11 A.M. For more information on Saint Arnold’s eight year-round and five seasonal beers as well as root beer, log on to www.saintarnold.com.
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