Samuel Adams Noble Pils is a Seasonal Classic.
Samuel Adams is one of the best- known names in craft brewing with a lineup that includes examples of most every beer style known to man. The company produces between twenty and twenty- five different brews and with this many, one would think Sam Admas might pack it in and rely on the sales of its established brands to carry it through. But Samuel Adams continues to look for more ways to bring the greatness of craft beer into your home and its latest offering is Samuel Adams Noble Plisner, a pilsner made with all five noble hops.
Beer Bio:
Style: German Pilsner
Alcohol Level: 5.2 percent by volume
Calories: unknown
Carbs: unknown
Samuel Adams Noble Pilsner pours to a golden straw color and it offers a nose that is spicy and fruity, with a body that is completely clear. A good pour produces a very good amount of foam and a good amount of lace is left hanging on the sides of your glass as you consume.
The first impression from the appearance is certainly noteworthy, but the taste is every bit as impressive. Samuel Adams Noble Pilsner offers an array of flavors that starts off with the taste of pale malt, then adds some pine, honey, and bisquits. Next comes the great taste of hops. With Samuel Adams Noble Pilsner, you get hop flavor that combines spicy, herbal, and citrus. The beer is medium in body with a creamy mouthfeel and a very clean finish.
Winner of this year’s Beer Lover’s Choice award, Samuel Adams Noble Pils is a hop- accented brew sure to please the palates of the most discerning beer drinkers. This beer won the 2009 Beer Lover’s Choice award and it performed so well that it has now become the new Samuel Adams spring seasonal, replacing Samuel Adams White Ale.
Samuel Adams Noble Pils is unique in that it is brewed using all five noble hops: Hallertau Mittelfrueh, Tettnanger, Spalter, Hersbrucker, and Saaz hops. It is very rare to find a beer with all five noble hops and the combination of different flavors from so many hop varieties makes Samuel Adams Noble Pils a hop- lovers delight. But what makes this beer even better is the fact that it also includes contributions from the malt, to balance out the bitterness. I love extremely hoppy brew, but I appreciate a more balanced alternative from time to time and Samuel Adams Noble Pils offers just the right balance between the sweet and the bitter, making for a taste that, while certainly hop- accented, is malty enough to balance out the hop flavors.
Seasonal beers come and go. Samuel Adams Noble Pils is a spring seasonal, but it is a beer product I hope continues to grow in popularity and one day becomes a year- round offering. It is light to medium in body, crisp and clean, with a beautiful appearance that whets the appetite very nicely and a taste that leaves you yearning for more.
Rating: 9 Cheers out of 10
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