Light beers are popular for the obvious reasons. Caloric content is reduced. Alcohol content is usually lower. You can often pound them with abandon because they tend to be, well, closer to water and thus not as likely to fill you up. Unfortunately, most of them are also sorely lacking in the flavor department but there are some that have a little more to offer than others. A good example is Sapporo Premium Light Beer.
Beer Bio:
Style: Import Light Lager
Calories: 119 per 12 oz. serving
Carbs: 8.5 grams per 12 oz. serving
Alcohol Content: 3.9 percent by volume
Bitterness Rating: 12 IBU
Poured from the bottle, Sapporo Premium Light Beer is yellow/straw in color with almost no foam at all and a clear, see- through body. The active carbonation tries its best to build a head of foam, but doesn’t succeed. The nose on this light beer features scents of hay, rice cakes, biscuits, and some vegetables.
With the taste, Sapporo Premium Light Beer offers up flavors of sweet grains, rice, corn, hay, and a brief hop bitterness that is quickly interrupted by the taste of sweet malt. The balance on this beer is toward the sweet end, but it’s balanced a little better than other light brew.
Sapporo Premium Light Beer is an easy- drinking brew from the top Japanese export beer company. Most are familiar with Sapporo Premium Lager and instantly recognize the large, silver- colored cans. The regular lager is already on the light side and this, Sapporo Premium Light Beer, takes the lightness a notch further with reduced alcohol, carbs, and calories.
This light beer is a little watery and rather bland, but I must admit that it does have a little better taste than other light beers. Its 119 calories is higher than that of the popular light brands, like Bud Light, Miller Lite, and others. This alone could be the reason why it offers a little more taste than these other, better- known brands. With its graininess, rice, and a few other flavors and nothing offensive, it has just enough going for it to make it a little better than the typical light beer, even though it cannot compare to the big, full- bodied craft beers and some of the more premium macro-brews.
Light beers have their place. I don’t usually go for them because I prefer more flavor and I’m not willing to sacrifice taste for calories. But if I had to select a light beer for regular consumption, Sapporo Premium Light Beer is one I would consider. It’s a basic light lager with just a hair more character than the typical American light beer.
Rating: 4.5 Cheers out of 10
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