Sierra Nevada Brewing is once again demonstrating what a true corporate citizen should be as it launches Pale Ale for Trails, a conservation effort aimed at preserving America’s trail and river systems.
Pale Ale for Trails strives to improve trails and rivers through funding and cleanup. First, the effort will help fund organizations that are dedicated to conservation. Second, Sierra Nevada is calling on its own fans and other concerned citizens to take park in national cleanup efforts. To start things off, Sierra Nevada is partnering with the American Hiking Society and is launching a trail clean-up pledge program, on National Trails Day, June 1. Everyone is encouraged to support local trails on this day by signing up to clean a trail near them.
Sierra Nevada Brewing founder Ken Grossman feels the time to work toward conservation is right now, both for our own well- being that the good health and enjoyment of future generations.
“Spending time in the wild is good for the body, mind and soul,” said Ken Grossman. “We have an obligation to enjoy these places in the least impactful way, and to protect them for generations to come.”
Participants in the Pale Ale for Trails program are encouraged to share photos of their cleanup efforts to Instagram, using the hashtag #Palealefortrails. Sierra Nevada will randomly select three winners each month, from April through June. Each will receive a custom trail kit complete with gear, snacks, and other surprises.
Sierra Nevada’s partnership with the American Hiking Society is the first of several initiatives planned for the summer. Many might not be aware of this, but Sierra Nevada Brewing actually has its own Corporate and Social Responsibility division, which happens to be led by Ken’s daughter, Sierra Grossman. Again, it illustrates the brewery’s honest commitment to making the world a better place through positive corporate action.
To learn more about the program and sign the pledge, visit www.sierranevada.com/pale-ale-for-trails.
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