Hello, fellow beer lovers! Our friends at Sierra Nevada Brewing are less than one month away from the launch of Beer Camp Across America, a seven- city traveling beer tour where guests can meet, mingle, and sample some of the best brew the craft beer world offers. To recap, here are the dates, locations, and times for Beer Camp Across America 2014:
- Sat, July 19: Northwest Edition at Sierra Nevada Hop Field in Chico, CA, 12-5 p.m.
- Sun, July 20: Southwest Edition at Embarcadero North in San Diego, CA, 1-6 p.m.
- Fri, July 25: Rocky Mountain Edition at Civic Center Park in Denver, CO, 5-10 p.m.
- Sun, July 27: Midwest Edition at Navy Pier in Chicago, IL, 12-5 p.m.
- Fri, August 1: New England Edition at Thompson’s Point in Portland, ME, 5-10 p.m.
- Sat, August 2: Mid-Atlantic Edition at Penn Treaty Park in Philadelphia, PA, 12-5 p.m.
- Sun, August 3: Southeast Edition in Mills River, NC, 1-6 p.m.
Beer Camp Across America is a great way to meet like- minded craft beer lovers and seek out delicious hand- crafted beer across this great land of ours. To help promote the event, Sierra Nevada is distributing a beer made just for the event: Beer Camp Across American West Coast Double IPA. This full- bodied brew clocks in at 8.5 percent alcohol by volume and besides the quality brewing that goes behind it, the beer also contains a special invitation to the event, complete with official information.
Sierra Nevada Brewing founder Ken Grossman encourages craft beer fans to visit one of the events and sample the special IPA as a hint of what they can expect at one of the seven camps:
“There will be a huge selection of great beers in every city we visit this summer, and we thought beer lovers would appreciate a glimpse of the fun to come with our own hopped-up invitation,” said Grossman. “This is an IPA that’s West Coast in style, which is fitting since the whole pilgrimage kicks off here in California in just a few weeks.”
Tickets to Beer Camp Across America sell for $65 each and can be purchased by clicking here. More than 700 breweries plan to attend the events with each brewery pouring beer at the location closest to its brewing headquarters. It’s the largest event of its kind ever scheduled and with so much beer and variety it makes the perfect destination for the curious craft beer fan who loves to seek out new beer and new experiences. Tickets are in limited supply, so buy yours today!
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