Soybean is arguably the most versatile plant-based food. It is available in diverse consumable forms. Traditional fermented and non-fermented soy food options like tofu, miso, Tempeh, and Edemame have existed in Asia for centuries. Additionally, contemporary soy food options like vegan burger patties, soy cheeses, yogurt, and soy flour are available.
Although rare, soy-infused beer is the latest entry into the soy foods market. Otsumami or soy finger foods are staple beer pairings. However, infusing soy’s signature umami flavor into beer lets you get the best of both worlds in one pint.
Besides flavor, soy-infused beer has nutritional and health-enhancing benefits. Below is an overview of soy-infused beer’s benefits.
Has Prebiotic Properties For Gut Health
According to one statistical survey report, 40% of the global population has functional gastronomical disorders. Such disorders include reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bloating, and constipation. They interfere with the digestive system’s normal function.
Multiple factors, including medications, low-fiber diets, and inadequate physical activity, contribute to gastronomical disorders. The highlighted factors affect microbiota composition; microbiota is the range of microorganisms, including symbiotic bacteria and fungi, that colonize the digestive tract and assist in digestive processes.
Although prebiotic supplements are available, a diet featuring prebiotic foods is more convenient and cost-effective. Soy is a probiotic food, and soy-infused beer features among the wellness food trends on the International Soy website.
According to one study, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beer consumed in moderation (one beer a day maximum) promotes gut health because of the beverage’s fermented characteristics. However, soy-infused beer is more beneficial for your gut based on the factors below.
First, the soy component in soy-infused beer has a high protein content. Dietary protein is essential for microbiota composition because it supplies the amino acids necessary for the organism’s structure. Moreover, soy protein has a high nitrogen content, and microbiota relies on nitrogen for sustenance; inadequate nitrogen will cause them to migrate to the colon and become pathogenic.
Second, soybean has a high oligosaccharide content. Oligosaccharides are simple sugars derived from carbohydrates, and one study established that soy-derived oligosaccharides have proven probiotic properties.
Third, soy is rich in fiber, and one study established that high dietary fiber consumption increases microbiota diversity. Additionally, dietary fiber promotes healthy bowel movement.

Boosts Energy Levels
Although alcoholic beer is the go-to party drink for most adults, alcohol is a depressant that saps your energy. Alcohol, the active ingredient in beer, causes a spike in blood sugar, proceeded by a blood sugar level crash that leaves you feeling weak. Partying while lacking energy is anything but fun.
However, a soy-infused beer can help you keep the party going slightly longer. Soy foods, including soy-infused beverages like beer, potentially increase the body’s energy production, leading to bursts of physical energy.
The human body’s primary energy source is the simple sugars derived during carbohydrate metabolism. However, as explained above, the alcohol in beer tends to lower blood sugar, leading to low energy levels.
Fortunately, soy foods contain branch-chain amino acids that the body breaks down during muscle metabolism. Muscle metabolism is an aerobic metabolical (cell-based enzyme reactions that produce energy) process that generates muscle contraction and relation energy. Therefore, soy-infused beer means more fun at the party.

Has Potential Anti-inflammation Effects
Inflammation is the body’s automatic reaction to pathogens and other foreign bodies during an adaptive immunity reaction. However, an overactive immune system releases pro-inflammatory agents in the absence of an apparent threat. Prolonged inflammation morphs into chronic inflammation, a symptom in various autoimmune diseases, including diabetes, arthritis, asthma, cancer, arteriosclerosis, and Alzheimer’s.
However, soy and soy-infused foods have anti-inflammation properties that can alleviate chronic inflammation, delaying disease onset and progression. Fortunately, soy contains isoflavones or naturally occurring compounds with anti-inflammation properties. According to one study, soy isoflavones like lectin, genistein, and daidzein use competitive binding to inhibit pro-inflammatory agents from binding to receptors.
Has Antioxidant Properties
Like inflammation, oxidation is a physiological process supporting various body functions. The body’s oxidative reactions produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) and go hand-in-hand with reduction reactions that prevent ROS accumulation.
ROS accumulation upsets the body’s homeostatic balance and induces oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs when ROSs bind to healthy cells rather than neutralizing ions, damaging the cells and entire organs. Oxidative stress contributes to the onset and development of various chronic illnesses, including Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, Parkinson’s, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases.
However, soy-infused beer and other soy foods can potentially alleviate oxidative stress. One study reveals the polyphenolic compounds in soy, including isoflavone and anthocyanins, have antioxidant properties that lower ROS production and scavenge existing ROS to prevent them from attaching to healthy cells.

Offer Unique Flavor
As stated earlier, soy-infused beer is a novel product yet to hit the mainstream market. Consequently, only a handful of craft beer establishments sell beer.
Craft beer’s distinguishing characteristic is its rich, distinct taste and uniform flavor, regardless of the ingredients used. Therefore, soy-infused craft beer has the bonus benefit of an elevated drinking experience.
Beer is never anyone’s go-to health-promoting drink. However, soy-infused beer is a unique beverage, fulfilling beer’s recreational role, imparting delightful flavor, and throwing in health benefits for good measure. It has much to offer and makes a viable alternative to traditional brew.
I’ve never heard of this kind of beer before. It sounds so interesting! I would love to try it if I can find it.
Wow, who knew that soy and beer could be such a great combo? This article on soy-infused beer is really interesting! I love learning about new ways to enhance the flavor of beer, and this one sounds pretty unique. Can’t wait to try it out and see for myself!
Wow, this article on soy-infused beer is fascinating! I had no idea that soy could have such positive effects on beer, like improving head retention and adding nutritional value. Definitely going to give it a try!
I would keep drinking it for the yummy taste alone, but it’s awesome that it has so many added benefits! I am all about a beer that tastes great and can help with my inflammation issues!
Interesting! This is the first time I have heard of a soy beer, I will have to see if there is any near me to check out.
I’ve had many a soy beer before and while I didn’t taste any difference, I wasn’t aware of the positive effects or impacts! I’ll have to keep this in mind next time my partner and I are out.
I didn’t know there was a soy-infused beer in the first place, let alone its surprising benefits but definitely learned something new and interesting today.
I never heard of such a thing. Of course, I am now absolutely fascinated. Thanks for sharing the info.
I usually don’t drink beer but this is up to another level. So many benefits!
My first time hearing about this beer too. I will definitely try it when I get the chance.
I want to try this!! I know soy has so many great benefits!
Ooohhh…alright then. I hadn’t known of this beer before. It’s anti-oxidant properties have captured my attention.
Oh that’s interesting! I’ve never heard of beer infused with soy. I need to try it!
I have never known of this variety of beer! Love the healthy twist. Waiting for it to hit Indian markets
Interesting read! I want to have some beers right now after reading your article haha.