Everyone looks forward to turning 21 for obvious reasons. No longer do we have to gaze thirstily while others imbibe distinctly delicious craft beers. We can finally drink them for the first time (ahem!) because now, at the age of 21, drinking is perfectly legal everywhere in the United States. Equally important in a symbolic sort of way is a brewery reaching the age of legality and Colorado’s Ska Brewing is about to reach this milestone with a full party scheduled in celebration.
Ska Brewing’s roots trace all the way back to 1995 when three friends, Dave, Bill, and Mike, were doing what they love best: Guzzling beer and listening to Ska music in their parent’s basement. While listening to one of their favorite Ska bands, The Toasters, the three guys experienced malt beverage enlightenment: Why not brew our own beer? That way, there will be a limitless supply. Today, twenty- one years after the fact, Ska Brewing is going strong, with a large number of award winning beers and a promising future.
For the big celebration on September 10, 2016, Ska Brewing plans to entertain the crowds by showcasing some of the music that inspired them. The band Fishbone and The Toasters, will both share their musical inspiration with the crowd, potentially encouraging more individuals to take up the cause of craft beer. The party is planned at Ska Brewing headquarters, 225 Girard Street, Durango, Colorado starting at 4 p.m. The low admission price of $40 gets you a commemorative anniversary tasting glass, live music from Fishbone, The Toasters, and another band yet to be announced, plus lots of Ska Brewing beer. Food vendors will be present as well, offering various munchies for separate purchase.
Tickets to this monumental event are on sale right now! Interested parties can purchase tickets to the 21st Anniversary Party at the Ska Brewing Tasting Room, Southwest Sound and online at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/2559555. It’s bound to be a sellout, so take action quickly and celebrate 21 years with one of Colorado’s finest craft breweries.
P.S: Keep up with the #SkaTurns21 party on Twitter and Facebook. There will be more information about the party in these social media outlets, including chances to win a pair of tickets and all-inclusive beers at the party!
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