Want some great refreshment after mowing the lawn?
Award- winning craft beers are often a joy to the senses and fortunately, for residents of Houston, there are some fine award winning products brewed right in our own backyard. This most recent Great American Beer Festival was especially generous with Houston’s Saint Arnold Brewery, awarding three of its products with medals. One of the big winnners was St. Arnold Fancy Lawnmower, a Kolsch- style beer.
Beer Bio:
Style:German Kolsch
Calories: Unknown
Carbs: Unknown
Alcohol Content: 4.9 percent by volume
Saint Arnold Fancy Lawnmower pours to a pale straw color and a good pour results in only a small amount of foam that fizzes away rather quickly. The nose on this beer is clean and crisp, with scents of bready malts, yeast, and floral hops. Taste- wise, the beer drinker gets more of the same, with a flavor combination that joins sweet, pale malts, wheat, a small amount of lemon and other citrus, and the balancing flavor of grassy and floral hops. The body of this beer is light to medium and it offers easy drinkability.
St. Arnold brewery is the premier brewery within the Houston metropolitan area and its product line includes several award- winning brews. Saint Arnold Fancy Lawnmower has won three medals at the Great American Beer Festival and ranks as one of the brewery’s most critically- acclaimed products. It most recently took the top prize at the 2010 Great American Beer Festival- the Gold Medal in the Kolsch category- so it obviously has something worthwhile to offer.
St. Arnold brews its Saint Arnold Fancy Lawnmower in the tradition of a German Kolsch and while the recipe may not be spot- on, it is close enough that most individuals will not notice or care. It is lighter than most kolsch products, but one interesting note is that St. Arnold was able to brew this beer ligher than average but not so light that it is devoid of flavor, like so many of the mass- produced American lagers. It looks like it holds little promise, but then you take a swig and your opinion changes completely.
About the only drawback to Saint Arnold Fancy Lawnmower is its appearance. It doesn’t offer much foaminess and the carbonation is a little on the fizzy side. But what it lacks in aesthetics, it makes up for in taste. Its crisp, refreshing character makes it a good beer option for a hot summer day. Sure, a little more emphasis on the physical appearance would be nice, but this is still a tasty, crisp, refreshing Kolsch beer product and one I heartily recommend.
Rating: 8 Cheers out of 10
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