Amid the chaos of the government shutdown, craft breweries are responding to the crisis in their own, often humorous ways. Without government agencies in operation, craft brewers cannot get new beer labels approved and this is causing a real problem for a large percentage of craft breweries, many of which rely on new beer offerings to maintain a competitive advantage.
St. Boniface Brewery in Ephrata, Pennsylvania, has responded by releasing a beer commemorating the occasion. The beer is called Surprise! It’s Another IPA- Government Shutdown Beer. The label for this beer was already approved and the original name was Surprise! It’s Another IPA. Nothing in the rule book says that the name of a beer cannot be altered slightly, so St. Boniface Brewery decided to have a little fun by adding “Government Shutdown Beer” to the name.
St. Boniface Brewery co- owner Dain Shirey says the name is meant to bring attention to the problems in Washington in a neutral sort of way.
“I think a lot of people think the name is tongue and cheek and it’s a little funny. It’s a non-partisan beer release. We are not blaming any sides or anything like that. We want people to be able to drink beer,” said Shirey.
Surprise, It’s Another IPA is actually an ongoing series of beers released periodically by St. Boniface Brewery. The situation created by the pre- approval of the labels is unique and has allowed this brewery to release a new beer while other breweries remain idle to anything new until the government resumes its normal functions.
Dry hopped with Ella and El Dorado hops and containing 9.3 percent alcohol by volume, Surprise, It’s Another IPA- Government Shutdown Beer is just the type of big, bold, flavorful beer we could all use during this tumultuous time. St. Boniface Brewery released the beer last week on draft and in 16 oz. cans. Look for it in places where St. Boniface is presently sold and try to hold on to your sanity as you wait for the U.S. government to come to its senses.
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