Stone Brewing, California’s eccentric and widely acclaimed brewer of all things hoppy and edgy, just announced that its Berlin brewery has distributed Stone beer for the first time, making it the first American craft brewer to accomplish the historic feat of building and operating a brewery in Europe. The idea, conceived nearly seven years ago, is now reality as Stone beer makes its way across this storied continent.
Europeans have never been very fond of American beer and even when it was introduced in the past, it was met with little success. The reason, of course, was the homogeneous nature of American macro brew. With little distinction from one brand to the next and with lack of flavor and craftsmanship, American beer was dismissed as unfit for the sophisticated tastes of Europeans. Stone Brewing has changed all of that and Stone CEO & co- founder Greg Koch is immensely proud of what his company has achieved.
“We’re very excited that our state-of-the-art brewery is online and that kegging and canning are underway,” said Koch. “I’m proud of the job Team Stone has done…the facility is amazingly beautiful, the beers are tasting really incredible and this is a spectacular, monumental moment for American craft beer as a whole.”
Stone’s Berlin, Germany brewery is headed by Thomas Tyrell, a man with extensive expertise in all aspects of brewing. Tyrell has 25 years’ experience in the international beer community and as the Stone Director of Brewing Operations, he manages everything from the brewing and packaging to the utilities and beer quality. Tyrell most recently worked for eight years as an instructor and brewing engineer at VLB Berlin, leading research and development projects. He has also worked as a consultant for breweries worldwide, offering unparalleled advice on most every aspect of the brewing process.
Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens – Berlin is a most impressive sight. The facility was built from an expansive 1901 historic gasworks building and includes two bars that will tap 65 different beers, making it the largest draft selection in Germany. Stone beer will, of course, be the featured brew, but there will be guest craft beers available as well. Food offerings will follow Stone’s commitment to natural, local, and organic fare, with foods made using small-farm organic produce. The Stone pledge to environmental responsibility and the Slow Food movement will be in place at all times.
Here is a recap of what Europeans can purchase, right now, from Stone Berlin:
Released June 2016:
Stone IPA in 0.33 liter (11.1oz) cans and four-packs
Arrogant Bastard Ale in 0.5 liter (16.9oz) cans and four-packs
Released July 2016:
Stone Ruination Double IPA in 0.33 liter cans and four-packs
Stone Cali-Belgique IPA in 0.33 liter cans and four-packs
Stone Berlin is currently distributing its beers to Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Poland and the UK. More nations may be added in the future but these 17 countries can purchase and enjoy Stone beer right now.
American beer has certainly come a long way. Once known as a nation that brewed indistinct, adjunct lagers, the United States is now at the forefront of brewing innovation and few companies embody this positive industry change better than Stone Brewing. Cheers to the committed Stone Berlin team and cheers to the people of Europe who now get to taste quality American beer brewed fresh, right on their own continent.
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