New beer releases are always a treat, but what is often just as enjoyable is an update to an existing beer recipe. Stone Brewing consistently releases new beer throughout the year and now, the brewery has decided to tweak an old favorite among its fans with the release of Stone Totalitarian Imperial Russian Stout.
Stone Imperial Russian Stout, as Stone fans know, had been around for a long time, debuting in 2000 and continuing through 2016. Stone Totalitarian Imperial Russian Stout takes the original Stone Imperial Russian Stout recipe and adds Belma hops and flaked oats. The result is a dark beer with a creamy, fluffy head and flavors like black currant, chocolate, graham cracker, and marshmallow.
Stone Brewing senior manager of brewing and innovation, Jeremy Moynier, says this new beer will satisfy fans of the old beer, many of whom felt betrayed when the original didn’t show up at their favorite store or bar.
“Our most devout fans don’t surrender quietly when we discontinue beers or skip Stone Special Release favorites”, said Moynier. “We always tell them that they may see it again and in this case, the one year hiatus was well worth the wait. The additional hops and flaked oats add a new layer of complexity and mouthfeel that truly enhance an already remarkable beer.
Any new Stone beer is cause for jubilation, but Stone has another, related surprise in store. Stone Brewing has been partnering with makers of artisanal food for some time now and one of its culinary partners has released a collaboration food. Nutista Authentic Stoneground Nutbutters, a San Diego business, has released The Stone Totalitairian Imperial Russian Stout Stoneground Nutbutter to coincide with the release of the beer. Nutista combines ingredients such as Belizian cacao, coffee, and different barley malts to produce a nutbutter every bit as delicious as the beer that inspired it. Stone Brewing executive chairman and co- founder Greg Koch says the partnership with Nutista takes his passion for nutbutter, collaboration, and experimentation to new heights.
“Nutista Authentic Stoneground Nutbutters is a passion project of mine, alongside mastermind artisans Tristen Cross and John Huber,” said Koch. “I’ve been making nutbutters at home for many years now and so it drove me to discuss with Tristen and John the idea to create nutbutters inspired by Stone beers. The natural step was to collaborate by bringing together two companies that value the best ingredients, united by a love of experimentation and a disregard for convention. The result is nothing short of mind blowing. But of course I’d think that, everyone that knows me knows I’m a craft beer fanatic and a total nut job.”
Stone Totalitarian Imperial Russian Stout contains 10.6 percent alcohol by volume and 65 IBU. It will be distributed in six packs of 12 oz. bottles, 22 oz. bomber bottles, and on draft. Look for it in stores and in bars where Stone products are sold. It’s a limited release beer, so grab it before it disappears for the season.
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