Our friends at Stone Brewing continue to satisfy craft beer fans everywhere with their hop- infused treasures and different spins on the IPA style. Earlier this year, Stone introduced another such beer with the release of Stone Tangerine Express IPA. It was originally available in retail stores in 22 oz. bomber bottles and nothing more. Now, thanks to the strong, positive response from consumers, Stone has decided to debut Tangerine Express IPA in six-packs of 12-ounce cans. Stone Brewing CEO Dominic Engels says the decision to make the move to metal was all about Stone’s fan base and the desire to spread the Tangerine Express IPA love far and wide.
“We brew beers we like with hopes that our fans will like them too,” said Engels. “In this case our co-founder Greg Koch had fallen in love with an experimental batch of Stone Tangerine Express IPA and insisted we bring it to market. Turns out our fans have loved it too, so that leaves us with the important task of making this beer as widely available as we can. There’s nothing quite like cracking into one of these cans and drinking in that complex tangerine aroma before the first sip.”
Metal cans, as all craft beer fans know, continue to show up as the package of choice for more and more brands. Cans now make up 30 percent of Stone’s total package sales and there is no reason to expect the trend to slow down. Stone, in fact, now offers four of its year-round core beers in cans and it commonly offers special releases in cans as well.
In case you haven’t had the opportunity to try it yet, Stone Tangerine Express IPA tastes about the way you would expect. It pours light golden in color with a nose that is juicy, tropical, and enticing. To produce its naturally delicious flavor, Stone’s brewers used whole tangerine puree in the brewing process along with whole pineapple for added tropical notes. The brew is finished off with eight different hop varieties, resulting in a taste that is dank, pleasantly bitter, and deliciously inviting.
Stone Tangerine Express IPA hit the market in February, 2017 and was sold in bomber bottles and on draft. The six packs of 12 oz. cans will make their way throughout the California market starting right now, with national distribution slated for January 2018. Stone Tangerine Express IPA will remain a year- round brew and most who try it will find its flavor and 6.7 percent alcohol by volume and 75 IBU just right for a sunny day. Look for the new canned version of this tasty brew in stores near you and taste the tropical goodness that is Stone Tangerine Express.
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