Tecate is a very ordinary beer that most consumers will forget they ever sampled.
Mexican brew has its share of hits and misses. Some Mexican beer is nicely balanced and most Mexican beer matches up nicely with its home country’s native food. But when considered as whole, most Mexican beer is very average in taste and memorability and one prime example is Tecate, a beer brewed by Cerveceria Cuauhtemoc Moctezuma.
Beer Bio:
Style: Mexican Pilsner Lager
Alcohol Level: 4.4 Percent by Volume
Calories: 146 per 12 oz. serving
Carbs: Unknown
Poured into a mug, Tecate isn’t very appealing to the eyes or nose. The beer is very light in color and the small head of foam disappears quickly, leaving only a small layer of white bubbles behind. The nose on Tecate isn’t very appealing either, with scents of light grains, corn, a slight chemical character, and very light spice.
So, the appearance isn’t much but what about the taste? Well, Tecate is rather ordinary in flavor with the taste of pale malt, white bread, mineral water, and even a touch of honey. There is a certain metallic character as well (my sample was from a can) and almost no hop taste to speak of.
Tecate is a semi- popular Mexican beer that enjoys limited recognition. Most everyone is familiar with and/or has tasted Corona and Dos Equis, thanks in large part to the advertising campaigns for each product. Tecate isn’t as well- known and, given its tendency toward the mediocre, this fact isn’t likely to change. It isn’t that Tecate is necessarily a bad product. The problem is that there is nothing exceptional about it. The flavor is your basic adjunct lager with a profile that is quite sweet. Take a good swig and you might experience some bitterness, but a sip here and a sip there is going to result in nothing but the taste of sweet grains.
Tecate doesn’t have anything special to offer, but like many other brews from Mexico, it is very non- offensive in nature with enough acceptable qualities that most will say it’s not too bad, but certainly nothing they wish to seek out in the future. I don’t mind the occasional glass of Tecate when nothing else is available but other than a sad occasion such as that, there is really no reason to waste your time with a beer like Tecate when so many better brews exist.
Rating: 5 Cheers out of 10
Well, spent another 5 minutes of my life with use, keep on bringing the good beer posts.