Not since the invention of the beer glass has anything as revolutionary happened to the beer drinkers of the world as the launch of The OktoberFist™. The OktoberFist™ is a glove designed to increase comfort and support the wrist when the user enjoys a large glass of beer. The OktoberFist is now being launched on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter.com and the campaign can be accessed by clicking here.
“It’s lederhosen for your hand and the perfect gift for the man who has everything”. Says Dr. Lee Mackenzie Fischer, Co-Founder and continues “It is really the best thing to happen to hands since fingers”.
The OktoberFist has 3 features:
1) The OktoberFist™ is specially designed to provide comfort and support when the wearer is drinking his or her favorite brew from the iconic 1 liter (34 oz.) beer steins (the Maβ or Mass glass) used at the German themed beer festivals and bars around the country such as: http://www.oktoberfestzinzinnati.com
2) The Oktoberfist™ has a visual appearance and fine leather materials that emulate the traditional south German folk clothes, the Lederhosen (leather pants) that have become synonymous with beer festivals.
3) The Oktoberfist™ has a practical pocket mounted on the wrist which allows for safe storage of your cards and cash while at the same time giving the user easy access.

The Oktoberfist™ is designed by two engineers with Ph.D.’s in nanotechnology and distinguished careers in academia and industry. Two years ago after a particularly fun night at the Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany the two scientists realized they had developed a bit of a drinking problem. No, not alcoholism. But more a physical discomfort to their hands from the lifting of the large beer glasses (5 lb when full, including foam).
With their skills within product design and rapid prototyping and a passion for beer, they spent the next two years developing their design to what is now the ultimate beer drinking accessory. A lot of fieldtesting also went into it, too. Now, in association with Lemonsqueeze, New York, (www.lemonsqueeze.com) the team is launching The OktoberFist™ on the crowdfunding platform kickstarter.com.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post in partnership with The Oktoberfist. Any opinions expressed are 100% my own.
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