Victory Brewing Company announces Moving Parts 03, the latest edition in the Moving Parts series, now on shelves nationally. By definition, a series is a number of things or events related that happen one after the other and involve the same group of character or subjects. Evolution is the gradual development of something from simple to complex. Thus, Victory started on their exciting, challenging and artistic journey to take fans from simple to complex and back again using water, yeast, whole flower hops and grain as their mediums of choice to produce the Moving Parts: The Ever-Evolving IPA Series.
For Moving Parts 03, the Victory brewers use Belgian yeast (as opposed to 02’s English) to create a tart, fruity spin on a spicy and citrus-forward IPA. The result is a bracing, flavorful and delectably drinkable caramel-hued brew. By blending, modifying and adjusting the levels of different whole flower hop varieties, malts or yeasts and differing the fermentation and brewing process, Victory triumphantly leads the charge to a distinctly unique beverage experience with each Moving Parts batch. Every new brew in the series is exponentially different tasting than the last and demonstrating flavorful evolution.
The brewery created this series as a way to show the evolving nature of the industry they have been a leader of since 1996. Moving Parts is also a tangible result of the artistic nature of craft beer brewing. Victory brewers strive to lead craft beer fans on their own journeys of exploration. Through a thorough understanding of beer nuances, Victory has been able push forward and continually experiment and challenge themselves with new recipes. Moving Parts 03 will be sold in 22 oz. bottles and on draft with an ABV of 7.1%.
Available at craft beer bars, bottle shops, beer distributors and major gourmet grocery stores throughout Victory’s 35 state distribution footprint. Moving Parts 03 suggested retail price for a 22 oz. bottle is approximately $4.99, but varies upon location. Use Victory’s Beerfinder to discover a nearby location, or download the free Victory Mobile app for Android or iPhone.
“Our greatest victory is creating great beer that our fans love. Moving Parts allows us to do just that while sharing our creative experiences and continually growing the knowledge of craft beer and its process with them,” said Victory’s President and Brewmaster, Bill Covaleski. “Our fans reap the benefits of our experimentation and embrace of inspirational challenges. This series celebrates what I learned long ago, and that is if it’s not a challenge – it’s not worth doing.”
About Victory Brewing Company
Victory Brewing Company is a craft brewery headquartered in Downingtown, Pennsylvania. Founded by childhood friends, Bill Covaleski and Ron Barchet, Victory officially opened its doors in February of 1996. In addition to the original Downingtown brewery and brewpub, Victory recently opened a second state-of-the-art brewery in Parkesburg, PA to expand production capabilities and serve fans of fully flavored beers in 35 states with innovative beers melding European ingredients and technology with American creativity. To learn more about Victory Brewing Company visit us on the web at www.victorybeer.com.
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