Victory Brewing Company (Victory) is re-launching the popular Headwaters Ale with a new look, national distribution and strengthened commitment to environmental stewardship. A portion of every Headwaters Ale sold in cans, bottles or on tap will be donated to the Headwaters Grant to help fund watershed stewardship groups. Over the next year Victory endeavors to raise $25,000 and help craft beer fans make the connection that choosing Headwaters Ale, is more than just a taste preference, it is a decision to help preserve the planet one sip at a time.
In addition to the increased distribution, which will provide a larger funding source for the Headwaters Grant, Victory will host events throughout the year to raise money and awareness for clean water issues. On September 20, over 250 running advocates enjoyed a frosty brew at the finish line at the Downingtown, PA brewpub with all proceeds from the Victory’s Run for The Headwaters 5K benefitting the Headwaters Grant. A river clean-up is also planned for spring.
About the new look: The crisp, delicious and aromatically whole flower hopped liquid carries on; however it will be showcased and packaged in a stylish, authentically new way. Inclusive of a bold, strategic and dramatic move from bottle to can, the clever new label visually reflects the two main focuses of the entire brand concept. Found under the strong and ubiquitous red “V” lays a lush, beautiful river scene depicted within a single water droplet to signify the need to sustain earth’s most valued resource. However, upon further inspection or at first glance (depending on who one asks), that very same droplet visually depicts a whole flower hop in which the beer, and its craft brewery also heavily rely.
About the Headwaters Grant: As a sustainable life source, it is critical to keep water and watersheds clean, not just locally in Chester County, PA, but across the country. Five years ago, the Headwaters Grant was established as a way to support this idea and preserve the natural resource from which all Victory beers ‘spring.’ To date, Victory has donated $35,000 to local water advocacy groups. Prior to September 1, 2015, this donation has been made up of Victory’s contribution of sales in the five counties of Philadelphia. As Victory approaches 20 years in the craft beer industry, the brewery’s commitment to environmental stewardship is at an all time high. Victory will now donate a portion of all Headwaters Ale sales nationally to the Headwaters Grant, and local wholesale partners including as Gretz Beer Company and Penn Beer Company will also be contributing a portion of all Headwaters Ale sales. That, along with a series of fundraising events, promises to increase funding for the Headwaters Grant and sustain the water that provides sustenance to the planet and great craft beer.
Headwaters Ale is available year round throughout the brewery’s 36 state distribution footprint, with a suggested retail price for six-pack of 12-oz cans is approximately $9.99. Pricing will vary slightly based upon location. UseVictory’s Beerfinder to discover a nearby location, or download the free Victory Mobile app for Android or iPhone.
“Everything, including ourselves, would cease to exist without clean water for sustenance. Many people act as though they are unaware of that fact and remain unaware of the true power their purchasing decisions wield,” said Victory’s President and Brewmaster, Bill Covaleski. “We hope to reinforce that when fans choose Headwaters Ale they aren’t just proving their good taste through a flavorful beer choice, but are also supporting a way of life that sustains our brewery as well as this planet for generations to come. They really are helping save the planet one beer at a time.”
About Victory Brewing Company
Victory Brewing Company is a craft brewery headquartered in Downingtown, Pennsylvania. Founded by childhood friends, Bill Covaleski and Ron Barchet, Victory officially opened its doors in February of 1996. In addition to the original Downingtown brewery and brewpub, Victory recently opened a second state-of-the-art brewery in Parkesburg, PA to expand production capabilities and serve fans of fully flavored beers in 36 states with innovative beers melding European ingredients and technology with American creativity. To learn more about Victory Brewing Company visit us on the web at www.victorybeer.com.
Note: The above was taken from an official press release
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