Victory Brewing Company (Victory) announces Moving Parts 04; the latest transformation in the Ever-Evolving IPA is now on shelves nationally. The series, a celebration of the fundamental four ingredients in beer combined with the artistry and creativity of those who blend, ferment and brew them, started with Moving Parts 01 in the fall of 2014.
From major refinement to the slightest modification, Victory brewers manipulate the ingredients of each recipe: water, yeast, whole flower hops and brewer’s grains with unbridled enthusiasm, artistry and passion to emphasize the craft in the craft brewing progression with every Moving Parts batch. For Moving Parts 04, oats, pilsner and wheat malts marry with Citra, Mosaic and recently developed Mandarina whole flower hops to deliver a robust wheat flavor, finished with deliciously refreshing complexity. The Mandarina hop, a delicious German varietal that shines in more nuanced beers, has a nicely rounded sweet mandarin and tangerine flavor and is much more subtle than the citrus displayed by other types of hops.
Moving Parts 04 will be sold in 22 oz. bottles as well as on draft and boasts and ABV of 7.0%. Available at craft beer bars, bottle shops, beer distributors and major gourmet grocery stores throughout Victory’s 36 state distribution footprint. Moving Parts 04 suggested retail price for a 22 oz. bottle is approximately $4.99, but varies upon location. Use Victory’s Beerfinder to discover a nearby location, or download the free Victory Mobile app for Android or iPhone.
“We see an amber bottle like some might see a blank canvas, piece of pristine marble or an empty stage,” said Victory’s President and Brewmaster, Bill Covaleski. “This series encourages all of us to push the envelope, challenge the traditional, and revel in possibilities. The appreciation of the art, growth through the innovation and respect for the journey leads us all to victory, an ever evolving cycle of experimentation.”
About Victory Brewing Company
Victory Brewing Company is a craft brewery headquartered in Downingtown, Pennsylvania. Founded by childhood friends, Bill Covaleski and Ron Barchet, Victory officially opened its doors in February of 1996. In addition to the original Downingtown brewery and brewpub, Victory recently opened a second state-of-the-art brewery in Parkesburg, PA to expand production capabilities and serve fans of fully flavored beers in 36 states with innovative beers melding European ingredients and technology with American creativity. To learn more about Victory Brewing Company visit us on the web at www.victorybeer.com.
Note: The above was taken from an official press release
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