Pennsylvania’s Victory Brewing Company just released another new seasonal beer, Tart Ten. This strong, refreshingly zingy and tingly Belgian Dubbel ale is fermented with Brettanomyces for a touch of funk. The beer will be available throughout Victory Brewing’s 37 state distribution network and Victory founder and brewmaster Bill Covaleski says this beer is yet another affirmation of his company’s penchant for thinking outside the beer box.
“Our thirst for creativity is only seconded by our literal thirst for a great tasting, uniquely special beer that can boldly stand out on its own. Challenging our fans to taste something new is how we fulfill our professional ambitions,” said Covaleski. “Harnessing technology and tradition, we rely on inspiration to provide the creative spark that brings such innovative creations as Tart Ten to our fans.”
Tart Ten is brewed using Pilsner Malts, Caramel Malts, and Czech Saaz hops and is fermented with non- spore forming Brettanomyces yeast. Tasting notes indicate the beer is bold in flavor and tart, as expected, with the funky flavor everyone anticipates with Brett yeast. The beer’s rough edges smooth themselves out in the finish. The beer contains 10% alcohol by volume and is sold in corked 750 ml bottles.
To find Tart Ten near you, use the Victory’s Beerfinder or download the free Victory Mobile app for Android or iPhone.
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