Victory Brewing Company (Victory) is hoppy to introduce Vital IPA, a sharp looking golden IPA with rich aromas of pine, and juicy tropical and luscious stone fruits in easily transportable 12 oz. cans. Victory’s newest addition to their family of popular brands is so satisfyingly jam-packed with freshly complex citrus and spicy flavors, the package confidently announces it’s ‘the only IPA you need’. Vital IPA is Victory’s first beer brand to be introduced exclusively in cans.
IPAs have a storied history that spanned the globe from their point of origin in England to include India. Important to the US craft renaissance, the IPA style is solidly positioned as the top craft beer choice by consumers.
Victory’s Vital IPA commands attention with fruity notes forcefully driven by whole flower American hops and robust German malts. With an ABV of 6.5%, it is an IPA above all the rest that will satisfy the most die-hard fan. Whether you are looking to relieve a stressful day, toast to one of life’s many victories or just merely craving the delicious and expected hop forwardness of an IPA, this is the one to reach for that is Vital to all five senses in every sense of the word.
Vital IPA is available year round throughout the brewery’s 36 state distribution footprint, with a suggested retail price for six-pack of 12 oz. cans is approximately $9.99. Pricing will vary slightly based upon location. Use Victory’s Beerfinder to discover a nearby location, or download the free Victory Mobile app for Android or iPhone.
“In our never ended pursuit to create the ultimate beer, we challenged ourselves as brewers to identify the most Vital components and flavors that we think make up the perfect IPA. We raised the bar with Vital IPA, which we believe will become a singular, vital addition to beer lovers’ refrigerators,” explains Bill Covaleski, President and Brewmaster of Victory Brewing Company
About Victory Brewing Company
Victory Brewing Company is a craft brewery headquartered in Downingtown, Pennsylvania. Founded by childhood friends, Bill Covaleski and Ron Barchet, Victory officially opened its doors in February of 1996. In addition to the original Downingtown brewery and brewpub, Victory recently opened a second state-of-the-art brewery in Parkesburg, PA to expand production capabilities and serve fans of fully flavored beers in 36 states with innovative beers melding European ingredients and technology with American creativity. To learn more about Victory Brewing Company visit us on the web at www.victorybeer.com.
By anthony colriss September 14, 2011 – 4:26 pmHey i know you guys are just getting off the ground and all but if you ever need someone to come in and help out pouring or anything please let me know. You guys look like an awesome company and i will see you guys this weekend. Keep up the good work!